Admin will be told about your admitted shadiness (which hasn't thrown me off the scent). Unless you send me a tenner.
You might be right there. It seems a wonderful pick. Perhaps better than mine But it's not Mr Predictable's.
I remember a discussion on here twenty years ago.... Barnsley mugs with Toby Tyke on them became plain white mugs within three years. The concensus was that the Club were responsible and in future they should only sell dishwasher-proof mugs that had been stringently tested in the lab up Racecommon Road.
Well I'm glad you posted again Mr Bobbyj, because in your case only, with your initial most manful effort, as Meatloaf sang, Two out of Three Ain't Bad. You're practically a member of my family now. You just have to work out which 2 were right and which one was wrong.
You're a either a genius or a smart arse or having an affair with the wife or just simply as predictable as me. Well done. Perhaps we were parted at birth.