Why? So you could click on that part and still read and reply anyway? This thread is called 'why you should vote Tory' and you still clicked it and replied 8 times so if the separate part was called 'politics' you'd be over there like a shot.
What bit of the thread title "Why you should vote Tory" lead you to believe it was anything to do with any subject apart from politics old lad ?
I'd steer away from anything other than a view that's the majority on here or it appears you may upset folk who don't like to hear others opinions. You get ganged up on akin to a school playground.The majority on this forum but fortunately not the majority nationally. Just let it ride.........
If you don’t like politics threads, or other subjects, don’t read/post in them, what could be simpler. Stop Bairning. I hope you’re happy with this majority govt, doing a fekin great job for their ilk
I just can't get my head round why you would vote for them like. I'm not necessarily Pro Labour (although I did vote Labour in the last election). I've voted Green in the 2 elections prior to that in fact, and some of the decisions made by them in recent years is baffling to say the least. But I could never bring myself to vote Tory. Never. Every thing about them makes my skin crawl. Free School Meals issue. Actually cheering in the House of Commons when blocking pay rises for nurses. Bedroom Tax. Disability Benefits. Whatever Patel's immigration tactic of the day is. I've purposely avoided Brexit on this post because I imagine that's the reason that most Tories on here voted that way. But Brexit is over. Its done. So come 2024, with Brexit already over and done with, why on earth would you vote Conservative. I would genuinely love to know.
Starmer is a Trotskyite, Labour would bankrupt the economy, we'd have no defence left, poor people would be discouraged from working with handouts and the wealth creators would not be able to help out with the trickle down effect. Therefore I've decided to vote Tory next time. Love em, just love em.
I like this one. “There is no magic money tree.” Well after the billions spent on fighting Covid there clearly is. What if Covid hadn’t happened? Imagine what all those billions could have been spent on - infrastructure, education, healthcare. You’d need a vision of course but the whole country could have been, reshaped, invested in, jobs created and we could look forward to our children reaping the rewards. But this would never have happened under a Labour Government. Such a vision would be laughed at, because it would ‘bankrupt the economy’. Most of the voters – imagining government finance to be like their own household budgeting – would have agreed. And it will never happen under a Tory Government. Their only vision is to stay in power, increase control, maximise profits. And most will swallow the ‘levelling up’ propaganda, wave their flags and cheer.
Seems like no one on this thread has actually addressed the OP. Surprise that, how it’s just turned into a slanging match. Classic BBS. For what it’s worth, and speaking as a Chartered Tax Advisor, I think the article misses the point completely, is incredibly misleading and is just factually incorrect. Inexplicably, the author admits to not even reading all of the HMRC policy document (it’s only 24 pages for heavens sake). I actually have read it. “Tax Research” generally come up with a load of drivel, their innocuous name hiding what they really are: political activists pretending to be experts on tax avoidance and evasion. I won’t go into all the reasons why, because let’s face it, who on here cares? If you chuck enough misinformation around it generally sticks, and a well explained argument why that’s not the case isn’t going to make a blind bit of difference to people who want it to be true because it fits their world view. The fact of the matter is, there has been a huge clamp down in tax avoidance since I started working in the industry. Even the idea that governments want to facilitate tax avoidance is nonsensical when they could just rewrite tax policy. Seems like a few on here have fallen hook line and sinker for it though, whilst brazenly claiming its the other half of the electorate that are being misled by falsehoods. Attack tax policy by all means, and suggest alternatives. But changes to clamp down on tax avoidance in the last 10 years have been incredibly far reaching.
As John Steinbeck put it, America never embraced socialism because everyone sees themselves as a temporarily embarrassed millionaire, a similar view has gripped a large swathe of the British middle class. I have heard it described that it is impossible to truly understand the way of life and priorities of those two classes above or below you, but in my experience those with enough money or credit for a bit of a flash car, house etc perhaps a moderately successful local business seem to truly believe that they are closer to truly wealthy Tory donors and politicians than the stigmatised modern lower working class. Usually, this is within one generation of the latter. This means that plenty I know vote Tory because they think they’re ‘in the club’ and they misunderstand the idea that voting Tory is good for the wealthy, as they class themselves in the same category as the super wealthy contract massaging types we’ve seen this pandemic. Now it’s been as much of a disaster as one could expect during a time of crisis, the heads have gone into the sand. Mentions of huge scandals from merely weeks/ months ago are point scoring and the only argument previously extremely vocal tories I know have is that they’re all the same. Frustrating time to have no opposition but I suppose it won’t make a difference next election however much Kieth aids them, they’re here to stay for some time. The British public have seemingly confirmed they can do what they want, individually and collectively, with no repercussions. Whether you support them or not, the future is a scary place when you have a government with no fear of losing power and no repercussions for breaking the rules.
I would expect my Govt to spend whatever it takes to to fight COVID. However, this lot have squandered billions and the level of Cronyism and Nepotism has gone through the roof. Levelling up my @rse
Yes. So would I. What I'm saying is, imagine there had been no Covid. The same money was there to be spent on improving the country if the will was there.
Good morning Fonzie. For what it's worth I have voted for both major parties over the past 35 years and to be honest from a personal point of view I have seen very little if any difference in my personal circumstances. I'm not an academic on politics and I can't recite historical speeches but what I tend to apply is what looks right for me and my family at the time. I've worked every day of my life since I was 16, never relied on any assistance from the state and my kids have done the same . I'm from a background of miners so my roots are set firmly in Barnsley. In my opinion the current crisis would have been handled no differently regardless of who was at the helm. Yes mistakes along the way but hindsight is a wonderful thing. Money has been thrown like never before to support those who need it . A lot of money has also been squandered by those taking advantage of the system ,but that's another story. So I suppose in answer to your question I'm relatively open minded, don't actually think whoever is in power will change the nation either way but at present I have far more confidence in a Tory government. As is the case whoever is in power the other "side" will always look to dig up dirt and criticism, that's democracy for you . I've made my own mind up in life, haven't been tainted by family roots or those around me and I'm happy with my current political stance , as I'm sure you are with yours .
Thanks for the reply, but you didn't really answer the question. I get that people want to look after their own families and do the best by them. All you've said is that you've got far more confidence in a Tory Government. If you can't or don't want to respond, then fair enough I've no issues. I just genuinely can't get my head around which Tory policies from this government give you this confidence.
Whilst I'm not saying another party wouldnt have done it and I'm not saying its gone far enough, I agree with blivy that a number of measures the tories have introduced have made tax avoidance/evasion a lot harder. For example, since june 2016 mandatory declaration of persons with significant control of companies and beneficial owners of property in the UK. The Criminal Finances Act 2017 was a great piece of legislation, making it a criminal offence to not report tax evasion and they managed to strike a deal with Switzerland about UK citizens who hold accounts there. Whilst all this may not be a reason to vote tory in and of itself, the tax issue probably isn't a reason to criticise them either.
Sorry if that was a bit vague. This time around to be fair I voted for the best of a bad bunch. Call it gut feeling, instinct the feeling of having more confidence (still vague) . There is very little I see to inspire me in the labour party at present. I know this feeling is replicated particularly around here. The number of people who voted Tory, who would have previously rather chop their arm off, says a lot. I watched Anneliese Dodds the other day being interviewed....she quite clearly is out of her depth in that role . I watch Sunak and think the complete opposite. I base my judgement on only a few areas that concern me and don't get hung up on other stuff that doesn't immediately affect my life . I'm quite clearly not as passionate as you but maybe I'm more balanced in not completely writing one side or the other off?
That's just a 'But Labour' reply. I get why people haven't voted Labour. I just wanted to know which of this Conservative Party's policies attracted people to vote for them, that's all.