Cheers buddy. Firstly I don't get into a strop over anything. It's called debate. I put my view someone else disagrees...that's how it works Isn't it? Secondly if you find correcting grammar fun then good luck there's thousands of threads on here for you to trawl through. Some may find it patronising...just a thought for you.
I've always thought you had a massive coc. ......... sorry........ you are a massive coc ............ I stand corrected.
Im other way round. That's why I'm a hit with the ladies...... Edit - that's a complete fabrication of the truth and I can only apologise profusely to my family and any woman I have disappointed. I'm offering my resignation to the male population as we speak. Ps don't call me Gareth. Feels like I'm been told off.
Hiya Mr new guy person. Welcome to the board. Now I haven't read the majority of this thread so can honestly say I haven't seen any of your views on anything at all but I did see the post correcting your grammar and then Whiteys second correction and saw that you'd took that as a personal dig. Now I don't know the context of the corrections whether the first one was being start with you or anything but just wanted to let you know that the second most likely wasn't. Its happened for years on here, if someone mentions grammar then guaranteed someone else will pick up on any little error they can find to make a jokey point. I'm sure that's all whitey was doing so dont take that as anything personal it's just a playful dig. Anyway yeah welcome aboard and enjoy yourself. Don't let things wind you up (like I'm one to talk) and honestly don't worry about the newcomer thing, there's hardly anyone on here who cares or treats you negatively because of that
Cheers Supertyke. I appreciate that. I'll get into the swing of it. It doesn't help being on a forum with Yorkshiremen and women . None of us are ever wrong ha ha
What I’m struggling with is that we have a government who are increasing the political rights of statues, removing the rights of human beings, and forcing people to worship the flag. And people who consider themselves perfectly reasonable are defending them and annoyed that other ‘reasonable people’ point out that it looks a bit fascistic.
How are we feeling now we know that the violence didn’t start till after the riot police arrived, the police fed the media lies about broken bones of officers? Now we have footage of cops beating up members of the press, and now using riot shields to chop at citizens on the ground.
Yes many a fight hasn’t happened until both sides turn up.... If I’m walking home from a match with a crowd of reds fans, and I turn the corner to see a bunch of tooled up away fans... my first reaction is to get out of there as quickly as possible. I don’t chuck stuff at them, or start trying to get selfies... I remove myself from the situation. If I didn’t, I’d expect to be part of the shenanigans that ensued. If they chase me down and corner me in a guinnel then id have to protect myself. These in the media seem genuinely surprised that they can’t chuck a bottle at a copper without getting any retribution! Ps is that how I spell guinnel?