No. Interesting though. "By not being legally registered, Brits until now, have gone under the radar when it came to paying Spanish taxes and other contributions, but Brexit has changed that, now they have to be out of Spain by March 31 when they will be deemed as illegal immigrants and deported anyway as their 90-day legal stay ends."
No,they've had 3 years to obtain residency,even longer to learn the language and obtain legal employment.
Why vote for leave if your living in Spain? Pure madness. Surly it was obvious they would be effected negatively in some way even if they didn’t expect having to leave
'look at this hun, the brits are voting to stay or leave the EU. I say lets vote leave, wont make a difference to us' 'what do you mean we have to leave, thats not what we voted for' Tough
And yet again project fear becomes project reality ...they can always go live on those sunlit uplands
Yeah I have sympathy. Appeals to nationalism coupled with a litany of lies conned them. I can’t victim shame however much I’m tempted to.
Whilst this is really funny I'm intrigued to get in to the mindset of someone who voted that way when living in the EU. When placing that vote what were they voting against and what was their motivation?
Brits living in Italy will also be hit with higher wealth tax on properties they have in the UK.
No sympathy for them at all. Idiots, and part of the reason we've left the EU. Shame that this situation has occurred, but it's their own fault