In other news...I wonder if this what Nutty Nigel had in mind
My polish mate from uni constantly gets told to go back to his home country. Some of these Brits need a taste of their own medicine.
Why wait until morning?.... We had experience of a very small minority of Brits who have lived here in Italy 'under the radar' for years before we moved here who mocked us for declaring everything, paying our taxes, Health service annual contributions (We were retired but not at retirement age so had to pay the equivalent of NI). We also went through the process of re registering our UK car in Italy (a legal reuqirement) which was quite involved and, again, were laughed at by some who said...if stopped just say you are turistici and show your passport. This enabled them to avoid both MOT tests in either country and Road tax in both countries not realising of course that it would invalidate any insurance so they were driving around uninsured. We also exchanged our driving licences for Italian ones . All of this was long before Brexit was even mentioned. We know of at least one person (a bit of a 'chancer' in 2014 who was ...ahem...'helping' the Guardia di Finanza with their enquiries as he was caught out working without declaring residency or having a Permesso di Soggiorno. or paying any taxes. He did a runner and went back to the UK and no-one has heard from him since. Sadly, some uninformed 'gloating'comments from the remainers on here re Brexit. Neither Spain or Italy are victimising Brits. Much of it is a result of a well publicised coordination and information exchange that was agreed long before Brexit HMRC and the Agenzia Entrata ( in italy) and the Tax authorities in other EU States. Play by the rules and no problem. Too many people tried to be 'clever' play the system, have been caught out and are now paying the price. No sympathy from us or any of our friends and neighbours who have played by the rules.
This makes sense. A lot of people went over unprepared. And not knowing the language doesn't help - which also seems to happen way too often. If your application wasn't successful, you've probably not been following the rules all that time anyway. Either you officially live there or you officially live there. You can't have it both ways. If you're spending more than 50% of your time over there, it's not your holiday home, it's your residence. It's not that hard. For me it obviously was the other way around. It only took me about half an hour to get it sorted. And most of that time was because the app kept crashing (who doesn't love a government IT project)! I followed the rules, payed my taxes, and it was all very straightforward.
The point here is this has been in force for some time and now they are tightening the rules it is aimed mainly at 'second home' wealthy people. The UK is also working towards targeting second home owners. Many people live here in Italy permanently and rent their UK property out, often at very high rentals (especially if they lived and own property in the SE or London) but fail to declare the income to the Italian tax authorities. IMO if you commit to emigrating you should commit 100% We burned our bridges and retained no financial interests in the UK other than a UK bank account for our pensions to be paid into which we periodically exchange and transfer to Italy. We do know a handful of people who relinquished their residency status and only stayed in their italian property for the maiximum period allowed each year (some were the aforementioned 'under the wire' types) but generally people had enough warning to adjust and plan financially for the changes. There is an increasing awareness from the Italian Govt that they shot themselves in the foot when they introduced the overseas property tax since instead of expats spending year round in the local community they are only here for half the year. (Bear in mind this applies not only to Brits but Americans, Australians, Canadians and people from many other countries that have chose Italy as a place to live). However with the impact of Covid on countries' finances, everyone is looking to maximise tax revenues wherever they can. Italy is no exception.
In fairness I think paying for the appropriate level of health care is quite expensive so I suspect that’s the reason some of them can’t pass the tests.
I still find it hard to get my head around the fact that people like our Italian friend think of themselves as expats not immigrants and condemn immigrants who are usually of working age and can contribute to the societies they migrate to unlike our ‘expat’ friends who usually don’t.
So British illegal immigrants are a problem and a drain on the host country's finances due to working cash in hand to avoid taxes/detection, outstaying their legal time and not integrating into the local culture.....sounds like a UKIP /BNP/EDF advert
Talking nonsense again I see. We pay tax here spend money, restored a derelict rural property Italians either don't want (they like modern and 'shiny') or can't afford to restore. We use local trades people and boost the local economy in areas of declining population. How is that not contributing to societies we have migrated to"
Genuine questions TT. 1. Am I right in thinking you moved to Italy. And cut most if not all links to the uk. ? If that’s the case. 2. Why did you claim the privilege to vote on Brexit. And vote the way you did.? 3. If you did indeed vote Brexit. Why and What have you personally gained by it.?
Ah Well, they all knew what they were voting for right? Just didn't BELIEVE hard enough that it was going to be ace.