You can now legally meet upto five people now from outside your household. Not six though as one of you may die. Cant have a haircut thats still far too dangerous. If in doubt have a scotch egg. They prevent you catching Covid.
is that because of the egg'sausage breath you will have stopping people coming within 2 metres of you?
its not a good day, we had booked a caravan near Newmarket and its going to be 20 plus degrees down there and hottest March days since Queen Victoria got down to 4 layers of clothing in 1880 70 something. God likes to take the pi$$ out of me
Everyone with a union flag in their name is saying the exact same thing on Twitter about scotch eggs and haircuts this morning. Do you all get a memo in free thinkers daily telling you what to think that day?
Actually I think it's more dangerous not having the barbers open looking at the state of my son's hair after he begged his sisters to cut it!
lol We just bought some hair clippers and I get a Number 1 all over every few weeks. Not that I've got that much hair though lol My wife's been letting me cut her hair...... No don't be laughing, it doesn't look too bad.....
Folk celebrating because they’re allowed to meet their kids, outdoors mind. As if it’s not a basic right.
Rolling seven day average for Covid deaths is 62 and we're celebrating being able to go for a round of golf. The world has gone mad.
Look but don't touch. Touch but don't feel. Bite but don't taste. Taste but don't enjoy. The whole thing is about prohibition now.
Look but can't buy was my missis looking in the shop windows in Windsor yesterday Except for the takeaway sausage roll for me and chocolate muffin for her And more good news as soon we might get back in a pub as long as we have our face scanned at the entrance.
I was made aware of the results of a study (3,000) that had been undertaken by Exeter University into the level of antibodies in people who have contracted covid who undertake a particular drug treatment, that my wife has to take every 8 weeks. There are pending results (expected this week) from a parallel study which is the level of antibodies after having been vaccinated. I say sadly as those who had contracted covid who were on this drug treatment had ZERO antibodies in their system. Very worrying indeed and can only hope there is brighter news from the trial into vaccination antibodies retained.
You're right. We should ease all restrictions. Let fans into games, have street parties and a massive group hug in the tarn centre. Just to see what happens to the rise in the number of infections and subsequent death toll. I mean, it's a basic right. Right?
The government are to blame lifting restrictions on households meeting outdoors just before the Easter bank holiday and hoping people will grass each other up. It won't happen as people will have family round and guess what those family members will be meeting in doors. The reason being everyone will be at it. I suggest that people that want to see the pubs re-open abstain this weekend form gangbanging because if there's a spike you can kiss goodbye to hospitality opening back up.