Boris spent 2.6 million decorating his new briefing room, I know prices in London are more expensive ,but jeez
That’s your taxes. £2.6m. Conservative blue paper, 2 flags and a sound system with such poor quality and muffled, DePfeffel sounded like he was literally talking out of his arse... Not just metaphorically for a change.
Hand on heart, me n the missus called it at the time. After looking on Google maps & seeing GSK had a plant in Barnard Castle we put 2 & 2 together & thought this was the main reason the tw@t drove there, we may be wrong but I doubt it, who knows.
Actually if you listen to Cummings testimony to the Select Committee the other week , he puts the success of the vaccine programme down to Patrick Vallance Chief Scientific Officer who came in and saw what a complete **** up they’d made of the PPE and test and trace and insisted the NHS led on the vaccination program
It was largely down to the drive and energy of a lady named Kate Bingham who headed the vaccine's rare that I buy into public honours system, but from what I can gather she deserves the highest award possible.
We have done well with rolling out the vaccine , in fact far better than most countries. That said, had Bojo taken notice of the 2019 National Security Risk Assessment prepared for the cabinet Office by a team headed up by Sir Patrick Vallance, a few thousand needless deaths would have been avoided. Sadly it was presented when he had other things on his mind like an election and 'getting Brexit done'. It also seems to have been conveniently forgotten about.
Five years ago, we had a wonderful family holiday in a cottage just outside Barnard Castle. We thought Barnard Castle, along with the surrounding countryside & villages, was lovely, as were the people. I didn't see any two-faced, lying scumbags, either.
Yes, the nhs and volunteers have done a monumental job, thats the difference with using people that want to help the cause and the likes of serco that will always put profit first, i think Boris learned a very harsh lesson with ppi, and test and trace...
Like a surgeon that cut off the wrong leg, and boasted about the quality of the stitching, which somebody else did anyway.