I don't miss him brought out the worst in me. I had to put him on ignore because I was stooping to his level and becoming a troll. Not a nice thing to admit.
He was an idiot. A racist, bullying bigot, who was full of himself. I won't go through all the examples, because like you say, it's stooping to his level. I'm better than that, we all are.
I hate the idea of closing down debate, I grew up in the lefty world of fighting for freedom of speech even if you disagree. It’s better to be able to have a frank discussion than to have to tiptoe around issues. I find it particularly sad as this means nowadays people with extreme views aren’t engaged with. But when someone thinks that fair debate includes accusations of rape and paedophilia? How is that supposed to be managed? If he’d have stuck to just being a wind up merchant about football, he’d still be here. But he was out of his depth trying to discuss politics.
You've taken that out of context. He was being accused by several people of being racist. He was adamant he was not and asked admin to take the accusations down. As a rebuttal he said how would you like it if I called you a rapist.
Erm, no, that’s not what happened. He definitely posted it as a statement with another members name attached. (**** is a rapist) I saw it with my own eyes, and last time this was discussed someone else provided a screenshot.
He was given a lot of leeway for months (I'd say too much), was unrepentant about his use of racist terminology, and then had a libellous meltdown which left admin with no choice.
I'm deleting this thread shortly because accusations of the nature shouldn't be online when that person doesn't have the ability to defend themselves. Also, definite hand grenade throwing by the OP. For the record though, you're massively missing context. He wasn't accusing someone of those things he was trying to challenge them to disprove it. It was a very poor, crass and misguided attempt at making his point, but he wasn't outright accusing anyone of those labels.
We can argue his intent all day, and get into a GCSE debate about context: but he definitely posted it as a statement and you know he did.
I don't know what your obsession is with bringing everything back to school education (interesting though) but my original point stands and not a debate I'm arsed about having today being honest.
They're not accusations, they're statements of fact. He made outright accusations and I can't understand why you're defending him. Your post is disingenuous at best.
There's nothing disingenuous about my post. What a terrible turn of phrase to level at someone. I said he was crass and misguided and it was also me who banned him. It isn't a statement of fact that YN was a racist. It is a statement of fact he said the words quoted earlier, but it isn't a statement of fact that he was outright accusing someone of being those words.
Weird! I find it odd you’re defending him to the point of bending the truth. Enough of us saw it to know what was posted. I think he painted admin here into a corner, I believed that was based on ‘good intentions’ but your defence of him is making it look like I’m giving you too much credit.
You could repost a redacted screenshot to give everyone the opportunity to make up their own mind. Like I said, you can argue intent or context, but you can’t say he never typed that as a statement. Sod disingenuous it’s a lie plain and simple.
I agree on the racist thing not being a statement of fact, although that wasn't the post you were responding to. It is a statement of fact that he accused someone of being a rapist, in very plain words without qualification. It's a bit weird how this thread gets threatened with deletion after 10 minutes but he was allowed to keep posting after repeatedly using words like n*gro and p*ki.
Where have I defended him? All I've said is that some of the accusations in this thread shouldn't be online when that person doesn't have the ability to answer them. Do you not think that's fair? I've also said he made a very poor, crass and misguided attempt at making a point. One that got him banned. By me (not that others wouldn't have done the same). But the context of what he was saying wasn't to believe the accusation he was making. He didn't actually believe what he was saying was true. Struggling to see anything weird or disingenuous in the above, nor am I really understanding what you mean by painting admin in to a corner.