How daft are some folk. I’ve watched on local news ITV & BBC, a sea of rubbish left behind in Endcliffe Park Sheffield and Woodhouse Park Leeds. Lifting lockdown and nice weather is no excuse for being irresponsible and not taking ownership of your rubbish. We are not talking individuals it’s thousands. Why do these Muppets think it’s ok to behave like this. Am I out of kilter with the way people think about their community ?
That's what you get with feeble half arsed restrictions. I can't see why they couldn't let Hospitality open outdoors too for the sake of two weeks. At least then they'd be able police what people did as they'd be in a confined area such as a beer garden.
I don’t think that excuses the gross irresponsibility of ‘bar pots’ leaving a mountain of rubbish in a public park.
I'm saying if they had more to do with their time they wouldn't congregate in the parks as much. I feel we're at a point where the nation is bored and waiting for the government to give the go ahead to resume normal life. I think it was daft setting dates for this and being rigid about it because the number of deaths and hospitalisations is falling all the time.
We can’t blame the government for every thing that is wrong with our country and this is one of those things
Wouldn't matter how many were there. These toss pots have never taken their rubbish home. When McDonald's was shut, there was hardly any rubbish on the TPT. When its open, before or after Covid, its like a council tip. You can't educate some people.
Morons will be morons, wherever they are. It has nothing to do with restrictions or the government. People who do this have always done it, whether it be on a beach, at a music festival or any kind of outdoor activity. They are too lazy to walk their rubbish to the nearest bin or, even better, just take it home and use your own bin. But no - why should they? Somebody else, either employed or volunteer, will clear up after them. No problem is it??
I hate this government. Hate them. But it's not down to Boris Johnson that Steve Simpleton can't be bothered to put his empty bottles in the bin. I wish it was like.
If I have some litter I put it in my pocket until I walk near a bin. It's not that hard really is it?
No excuses for them they are just morons, the council put extra bins out for the expected extra rubbish up our way on the Stray, but you know what, that requires them to pick the stuff up and make a bit off effort and that apparently requires too much effort. Its the somebody else will shift it attitude that pigs me off, in the meantime if it spoils somebody elses day or perish the thought somebodies dog snaffles something they shouldn't ( ours is like lightning to grab food if you relax your attention even on his lead )'tough ****' Tramps the lot of them. You should treat the outside the same as you would your own home. Keep it tidy and take any rubbish with you.
These wouldn't be the sort of people who, of a similar age, tell my wife who is a supply teacher standing in for covid stricken teachers, to off etc and throw chairs and tables around because it's cool to do so. Not the same age exactly but a continuation of the class (less) oiks who are all rights and no responsibilities. I despair. No doubt some, most or all of you will say they can be excused as they have been deprived and need the space to express their freedoms. I'm waiting for the call one day to tell me my wife is in hospital cos someone thought it great to beat her up ... in school. Society in general has lost the plot.
Years ago I was walking around town (it was Reading actually) and a little toddler threw some food on the floor. Her mum went to pick it up and the toddler told her mum not to. Instead of telling the child that wasn't the correct thing to do, she just left it. The mind boggles with some people and the raising of children
no excuse at all mate, personally I blame the parents for most of it, OK the odd ones might have an excuse but too many just can’t be bothered.