I'm a teacher, mate. Currently on supply. Believe me all the "bad" kids have excuses and if they haven't, senior management in a lot of schools will help find one for them. Then blame you, the teacher, when they don't achieve target grades or regularly get chucked out of lessons. I was once told to "Eff Off" by a 14 year kid, who I wouldn't let have their own way and was told by management and this kids parents it was MY fault........ Hence why I now prefer supply.
I know what you mean Steven but what I would say in response is that the British are terrible at littering. It's been going on for years, people are irresponsible, the last year has highlighted to people how much goes on,especially thrown from cars.
On this occasion I don't think things like this have anything to do with anyone else but the individuals involved. I'm afraid lots of people just don't give a f.cuk. Can carry bags and boxes full of stuff to a park, but can't carry empty bags back. They're just pri.cks. In an ideal world there would be some evil santa like figure, who dropped all their $hit back in their garden. Same with these w&nkers who hang plastic bags of dog$hit on tree branches
My wife was full time and then went supply cos she hated it so much, but still needed the money. She still gets "slightly" stressed but not as much by a long, long way. She comes home from school and is straight into the wine, no books to mark, no **** to do, no lessons to plan. I'm sure you understand. And today is just about to start her two week easter hols so extra celebration.
Doesn't matter if they've been deprived or not does it? I was deprived as a kid but I don't drop crap all over the place. In other words, I agree with you. The world has, unfortunately, got a large number of total ***** who couldn't give a toss about anybody else. Really pisses me off.
The litter louts want a crack. I agree no excuses whatsoever you bring it with you, you take the empties home. McRubbish everywhere with Costa Coffee cups, Blackthorn fruity cider, Carling and Desperado cans, fast food detritus up on the moorlands around us all topped off with some lovely Gypsys kiss hankies and 'bangers and mash' that scrotes and scratters like to leave as their calling card.
Think being considerate and caring is a curse,wish I could be a **** you turn the music up,throw litter etc person ,must be ace to just do what you want and not care ,saw a car in front of me other day,just tip all his or her rubbish straight out of window onto road driving along,then I drop a empty dog bag later and it’s windy and I am chasing it down field for about 100 yards,dog thought it was a game so ran and caught it,ripped it up ,then does biggest **** ever and I’m trying to use it and there’s **** all over,being responsible is hard work
My mate was responsible for doing the after festival cleanup at one of the big music fests...somewhere near Leeds. Not only did people leave their rubbish, they just walked away leaving tents, sleeping bags, barbecues, cool boxes, clothes etc by the hundred literally tons of stuff.. Apparently there was a perimeter track with countless pairs of wellies lined up as sons and daughters stepped out of the muddy wellies straight into daddy's 4x4 and left the wellies for some ****er else to get rid of.
Disgusting behaviour. No excuses whatsoever for it. The more I see **** like this, the more I think we don't deserve to exist as a human race.
It's the same scruffy, lazy lovely people that would do it when there isn't a lockdown. Utter scum, every one of 'em. Hanging too good.
We did our daily walk last year mainly on the same route & there was hardly any litter. The minute the council opened the car park up when restrictions eased there was beer cans, crisp packets & all sort of crap around the res. I go through Wombwell woods & there’s always rubbish dumped, Edderthorpe Lane gets it too, pretty much anywhere where there’s a quiet road people dump rubbish. People are *****. How often do you see dog **** tied to trees? Who in their right mind bags up some dog **** & then ties it round a branch? Baffling.
I am truly heartened to see a concensus of posters in agreement about the senseless littering and despoilment of our town and countryside. Cheers guys and gals.
There is no such thing as society and it is only going to get worse. We have convinced people that thier thoughts, opinions and shitty ways of living are valid and beyond reproach. I don't know if it's social media making things worse, people are spending more time at the centre of their own little universe and it shows when you see images like that.
I find it seriously depressing that so many people care so little about the environment. If they can be bothered to bring full beer bottles and cans with them, they should be equally bothered to remove the empties. Their behaviour is having an appalling effect on the quality of life of their fellow human beings.