I have decided to take a long break from posting or responding to any posts /threads reacting to Politics of any sort... ..(cue the" good riddance"..." no loss" "having a good flounce" accusations and comments) Opinions and debate are one thing but the sheer obsession from a number of poster on here in turning everything into a political argument and hatred of anything Tory or anyone perceived not to disparage them for everything they do (in the mantra of you are either for them or against them- no middle ground allowed) has made this site quite a dark place at times (albeit with the odd glimpse of light such as the support for JP who was/is having a difficult time). I am accused of being hypocritical - insulting people by using words like 'muppet' (admittedly I have sometimes tempted to use stronger words) all of which is ironic considering over the years I have been called 'thick' racist' xenophobic', little Englander' 'Tory boy' among others some stronger. Like I said, opinions are one thing but I get rather frustrated at the obsession with turning everything into politics and that, some on here blame everything wrong with their lives or the state of society in general on the PM and the Govt including petty childish name calling. The conspiracy theorists on here rank alongside Q Anon. The latest example is the multiple pages of vitriol spewing forth aimed at Govt for the sheer temerity to have the Nation Union flag displayed on public buildings. Anyone on here who dismissed it as 'froth' has been told in no uncertain terms by the clique that they have had the wool pulled over their eyes and are too stupid to see it as another example of 'creeping nationalism' (funnily the same people who applaud Scotland's bid for independence! and Pride in being Yorkshiremen and (even more parochially) from Barnsley! Nationalism. and pride on your own heritage and culture ie. 'belonging' is not all negatives. Pride in one's country of birth can be a force for good. Look at e.g. people who don't Gove a sh*t about anything or anyone littering, breaking Covid distancing rules, ignoring isolation when showing Covid symptoms (latest news today) .Even campaigns to promote buying British or consumers supporting British businesses has been viewed by some as Nationalism!! Many other countries fly their flag. Whenever there are commemoration services or events local mayors and politicians all wear sashes with the national colours here. the Italian and EU flags fly from most public buildings (albeit the EU flag less so in some places). Yet many here see it as a symbol of the trend towards right wing and verging on fascism! Anyway, I am going to confine myself to posting to no political thread 'cos, Spring is here, I have my music, lots of work in the garden, cooking/BBQing, Pizza making and Gin drinking! to keep me occupied and , frankly I can't be arsed to get dragged down any more by the loser, 'blame everyone but me' mentality displayed by a few on here. Yep, I have a great lifestyle in retirement. Am I lucky? You bet! But I tell you what... me and my wife worked bloody hard to get where we are and made bold difficult decisions and sacrifices over the years and without doing so at someone else's expense. Rant over! Enjoy your whinging and whining but don't bother replying but if you do don't expect any response from me. I'm done! P.S. COYR!!
That's good for you but I'm not sure you needed to announce it without making parting shots at others thus courting more drama? I've just had a massive dump this morning, shall I post a thread about that?
‘I’m stopping talking about politics on here as everyone turns everything into an argument’ - whilst having a long argumentative rant and criticising those who critique him or his politics - and even referring to them as losers. Signing off reminding everyone he’s well off but only because he worked hard, still not seeing the fact that under the political regime he supports, our kids and grandkids will struggle hugely to get to a similar position when they retire as they won’t have anything like the same opportunity. Yeah, standard
omg, just the man what is the song on goal of the month, spent a hour and half looking through arctic monkeys lyrics, love it but what is it please ?
If he thinks we don't realise he just logs out and then reads the comments as a guest he must think we're daft! There's no mic drop.
The end bit sounded like a certain sketch. I'm fairly well off and live in Surrey but.................... https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p00hhrwl
only a tory could come up with the get out of jail free flounce on April 1st, a masterstroke to be fair
Don't think you're actually meant to mean what you say though if it turns out to be claimed as one...
Flags flying as an evolutionary process I'd have less problem with. Being forced to fly a flag by a government diktat I'm not so comfortable with. Anyway, enjoy your day, I'm going to enjoy mine!
I don’t do Goal of the Month buddy, that’s my colleague. It’s called Holding Up The Mirror by Scunny band Waah Kin Tribe. Apparently.