Pretty fair article here.
We are slowly moving to a fascist dictatorship, so I wouldn't worry about voting intentions. By the time this government is finished we'll have the same civil rights as Chile or Argentina.
To change a Stewart Lee joke slightly, "if you happen to like Pere Ubu & Chomsky & eat chick pea pakoras you will be thrown in jail", (Ugly Fat Patel ).
Trashy hatchet job, to be fair. Very little context. But keep batting - the Tories will be in power until 2032 if you keep this up.
did you read the end. Pretty fair. The rest is just discussion of perception not a hatchet job. I’d agree with the conclusion of Starmer stops relying on focus groups and follows the 10 pledges he was elected to implement then there is still time. I recall you doing the but CorBYn thing on several occasions. Johnson’s on you lot
the ending is fairly positive. If Meir does what he was elected to do which is continue a leftwards agenda based on his 10 pledges he can still turn things around. Bastani is an idiot but didn’t write it.
You're having a laugh. The voting public won't go for your brand of politics. You are keeping the Tories in power mate, but we'll have to agree to disagree about that.
In fairness my brand of politics was run both by tories and Labour from 45-79. You Thatcherites and their new Labour friends changed it and here we are in brexit land with Johnson in charge. In terms of Labour centrists lost the 2010 and 2015 election and will undoubtedly lose 2024. My brand of politics has been much closer to winning than yours in recent memory. I have the same amount of loyalty to the Labour right that they showed Corbyn that’s fair isn’t it? Just for clarity with regards to Starmer do you think he should or should not honour the 10 pledges he was elected on. For clarity I voted for him based on those pledges. If he had honoured them I would still be both a member and supporter. Unfortunately he has not.
Sorry mate, but I've seen your posts before and I'm not prepared to dance around pinheads with you. "Politics is the art of the possible" is the oldest cliche in the book, but just happens to be true. While you are clutching your ideological purity to your heart Johnson and his ilk keep getting re-elected. Eleven years down as it stands to tossers like Cameron, May and Johnson - and another eleven to go if you keep up your support for unelectables.
Scotland usually has a negligible impact on the overall result. Only 4 times since 1945 would a lack of Scotland have changed the result.
Until the parties in opposition start showing some pragmatism, common purpose and a recognition that the population will NOT vote for a hard left ticket (however much we might want them to) the Tories will remain in power. For as long as Labour squabble amongst themselves about ideological purity, sneer at the Liberals for being Tory lite etc, etc Boris will laugh in their face continue to get elected and continue to destroy the country. Find a platform that will get rid of the Tories and stop f**ing arguing about whether Corbyn or Starmer is the most ideologically sound!
The only way forward is for Labour & the other parties support PR. Proper PR, not what Cameron offered. More than half of the country votes for centre & left leaning parties, so a coalition could be struck to reverse some of the wrongs of the last 11 years. This is how politics is done in every modern democracy. (US & UK systems are totally outdated, as recent events on the other side of the pond have shown).
"Vote for this and they'll try to take us back in!" Can see it now. Lies didn't get in the way last time.
I think in another three and a half years the lies peddled will be fairly clear. If the time isn't right them for reform, then we may as well all hunker down in a bunker & let the Nationalist / Fascist state run it's course.
To be fair to Starmer this is an unprecedented situation, the Government is doing everything with little or no scrutiny, debate or comment, such is their powers that have been gifted them. Parliament's on the back burner until the Pandemic hopefully plays out. Boris might be popular now but in 2024 after three years post Brexit and having to pay back what's been borrowed who knows where we will be as a nation?
So 4 times it would have made a difference* - and that was mostly under the old 3 party system. There's now 48 seats that are no longer in play for Labour, whilst England has been pulled to the right politically. *edit ... or half of all Labour election wins since 1945 have relied on Scotland.