The Yellow fever aspect is one of the main drivers of support for a Covid passport. I can understand the reasoning for a passport for international travel as like you say some countries will require proof of inoculation to enter. I cannot understand how this reasoning is gettig translated into we need a passport to go to the pub. Its a collective madness.
The Junta has pledged £500m to further mental help treatment. It spent £150m a day testing school kids to appease the unions. . .
Other countries can demand whatever they want if that's what their people want. That's fair enough. We're used to using passports to travel abroad anyway. It's ID cards by the back door and a road to social credit scoring. Problem is the media will do the government's job for them as they have over the past year and scare everyone half to death over what might happen if they're not introduced. And above all, it appears virtuous and righteous and everyone loves that. So I expect them to be introduced. It also comes down to people are enjoying telling other people what to do. The pandemic has given a lot of people leverage and a sense of power over their peers. A lot of people think its a good idea that vaccine passports will be used to coerce people to get vaccinated. I've even seen people on social media championing China's social credit system. Well, that's fair enough. I just like to live and accept that people are allowed to do things that I don't like or agree with. I don't want to control people and force them to live like I want or in one particular way. It probably won't get voted through if Labour show they are the opposition by going against the Tory party and not agreeing with them. We will see what Keir and his pals are made of if it's something that needs to be voted in.
Is this going to be just for vaccines, what about people with TB, hepatitis, HIV? It's a very slippery slope.
It seems absurd to me that the government is seriously considering vaccine passports when all their previous responses to the pandemic have been either far too late, or massively inept, or both. They are so desperate to get the economy moving that they are prepared to go against the entire libertarian history of the Conservative party. Mind boggling.
I was gonna vote for Lib Dems last time but their hapless leader refused to join forces with Labour + SNP making them irrelevant. They really need to champion things people are passionate about if they have any chance of being relevant again
That is unbelievable. If anyone's in support of that then we really are gone. Vaccine passports seem perfectly reasonable - there is a threat after all. ID cards are perfectly reasonable as well. The next measures proposed will seem perfectly reasonable too. As will the ones that follow. Once they’re introduced, few will even remember what life was like before. But you’ll be safe. Because all they want to do is keep you safe. And as long as you vote for them, you will be safe. That’s the way power and control works.
This. Covid is the new religion in the western world. Face masks the new prayer beads. People in yellow jackets loving the control they can exert. If you had told me 18 months ago that a cardboard and plastic screen would become the forefront of protecting yourself from a virus Id have died laughing there and then. I despair more at peoples head in the sands rather than the direction we are heading.
Anyone with an allergy is ******. Of I owned a cafe there is no way in hell I'd allow anyone in with a nut allergy just in case they touch something and die. Fortunately with our new ID cards they'll have all our allergies on them by version 2 so I'd be able to refuse entry to anyone I choose If you don't want to use a smart phone get out your paper and some form of photo ID to prove the paper belongs to you. It's getting more and more stupid by the day. When you have MPs from all parties coming together and the police and some of SAGE think it's stupid, as well as the industries it affects, you have to wonder why they would continue with it. Well who would have thought it, Labour might become genuine opposition to the Tory party again. Perfect timing for them to come out with this just before the local elections next month. It should be a good night in May for Labour. They will get a lot of support for this.
And then quietly drop half their manifesto pledges to get in bed with the tories. Anything for a bit of power like
Is it just me that finds it bizarre that the right are all for mandatory vaccines/vaccine passports and the left are against it? "Taking collective action for the benefit of society" seems to be a very socialist idea to me. But then again I promised myself when I joined the BBS that I wouldn't wouldn't get involved in political debate on here, so I'll just leave my passing thought.