At minute for me it’s people who feel the need to post on social media that they’ve had the covid jab, taking a photo of the vaccination card and explaining to people their experience was brilliant....ffs GET A GRIP!!!!... That made me feel better .....what’s your beef?
Coronavirus non believers and conspiracy theorists. Someone i work with states i didn't have covid Says it was pneumonia and the daily figures of deaths and cases are made up.
Bagels, **** dense bread, the only upside being the hole means they’re not as big as they look. Cupcakes, iced buns with 20x more icing than is pleasant to eat. Basically, the Yanks don’t half know how to fu ckup perfectly simple food.
1) British people who say season not series when talking about British television programmes. 2) People, particularly on Facebook, post their thanks for being let onto a group. Get a load of new posters and you have more welcome posts than messages on the subject you're discussing * * I appreciate has happened on the BBS recently but isn't as bad as on FB.
I think i'm going ox tail as my beef. And I currently have beef with the bagel haters frequenting this forum.