Ultimately it's Parliament that holds the government to account. Which means, I guess the government's own MP's and to an extent, the opposition. Sir Keir has repeatedly called for full public disclosure, but without much success hitherto, so far as I can see. Nevertheless - presumably on the balance of perceived risk - both Labour and the vast majority of Tory MP's have agreed with the measures taken by the government and have authorised the legislative provisions put in place. It may be that Sir Keir has access to more information than is publicly made available due to his briefings on Privy Council terms. So, to answer you directly, there is nothing wrong with holding the government to account but if you or I were to ask for all the data we would be unlikely to receive it and could not in any event do anything about it if we interpreted it differently. If that's your experience, I'm happy to accept that. But what we are talking about is the six weeks or so to when they can reopen, which is currently slated for 17 May. I think it's pretty much accepted by the experts now that getting to zero Covid is not going to be realistic. So I would think that 'beating' it looks like further progress along the vaccination route and a consistent reduction in the famous 'R' rate. That way, it doesn't reappear to the same extent. Mutations are a concern though!
Yesterday's latest reported daily total was just 10. 48 fewer than the previous week. So not that long? Absolute zero deaths is probably unrealistic, but we do seem to be getting on top of it. So a little while longer may just be worth it?
Visits to care homes should wait 'a little while longer' then right? Vaccinated or not I guarantee that allowing two adults and numerous schoolkids into care homes will kill more people than opening the dog and partridge
I was talking about pubs, which can reopen in six weeks' time. I disagree with your second remark, but whatever either of us think it will make no difference.
Probably but with those likely to require hospital treatment now protected are we not in danger of having a wildly disproportionate response?
Just imagine if we had a proper track and trace system running along side the vaccine. The talk of domestic vaccine passports wouldn't be required. Also imagine if this bunch of clowns had monetised all folk who tested positive to say at home. Instead the failures have injected rocket fuel into a society which is divided. Hospitality vs Supermarkets Young vs old Home workers vs those having to attend The goes on, would be a perfect strategy if you were trying to create a culture war. Anyway I'm off to put my union flag up!
If you're wondering why Johnson is talking about trialling vaccine passports when half the population isn't even eligible for a jab yet, I'll give you the answer in two words: Local elections. The same part of that benighted generation who have been quite happy to benefit from the postwar social advancement available to them and then voted to deny it to their children and grandchildren will embrace a mechanism which permits them to eat, drink, gig and holiday at will and won't give a damn that the under-50s have to stay outside. 'Good old Boris' they'll bleat as they flock to the polling stations like myopic sheep. Tories: appealing to the very worst human instincts since 1834.
Vaccine passports aren't required anyway. I've heard many people say that bozo is really unlucky to have become prime minister just before all this kicked off. In reality he's the luckiest prime minister in history. He's been able to push through so many laws that remove our freedoms and he's done them all under the guise of covid protection.
https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/20...use-covid-passport-app-screen-birthday-party/ Wait until elderly get to scan friends and family in to their home or party. Yes it's a thing and not a late April Fool.
Track and trace system was always a load of ****** because its optional. How can you have a proper track and trace system when its optional. If people don't take part its never going to be fit for purpose. So there can be no such thing as a proper track and trace system you refer to.
Why you can be puffing and panting away in a gym but not sat down quietly enjoying a pint is beyond logic to me.
Because logic isn't being used. Ideology is. Commoners who drink in pubs are scum and must be eradicated. Prohibition by stealth.