I think the point was once you realised it wasn't about football you still posted, essentially calling people out for discussing something else. I open many threads and once I find I have no interest in the subject matter I press back. You're right we won and we should enjoy it but if some people want to also discuss other topics that's fine too.
I think he's playing a waiting game and is probably right to go easy on COVID. However, labour's silence over Brexit is nothing short of disgraceful.
It's often not a community if it excludes, or seeks to exclude, the views of others because they don't comply with the mainstream. I have been banned from this site before. Does anyone think I am some kind of Nudger type unreasonable extremist? Be careful. You're on a site that is as likely to remove your right to free speech, as anywhere in the worst of communities. No reason provided. No warning. It's a fab site though. The best there is for spouting off.
Being banned from a forum isn't having your right to free speech removed - it just means you need to find somewhere else to spout it.
no one ever removed your right to free speech. Literally makes me laugh when I see people complain. You’ve as much right to say what you want as anyone, admin has the same right to tell you or the same anyone it’s unacceptable and remove you.
In China there is definitely a limit on free speech, because there are central censors who decide what can or cannot be said anywhere. That's not the case here yet - there are loads of things they might not want you saying on this board, but you're always more than welcome to head over to Facebook or Twitter or tykestalk to say it because as far as I can tell they're not going to ban you for anything (or maybe ban you for very different things). That's not Chinese communism, it's the very definition of liberalism.
He's leaving it too late though. They're behind in the polls having being level with the Conservatives and I just don't see anything from him that makes me confident that Labour will be in a position to challenge at the the next GE. Really hope he proves me wrong as a Labour supporter but I'm really worried. Boris is walking all over him unchallenged!
As a Green party member, I shouldn't give a toss about Labour to be honest, however, with our appallingly unfair voting system and the gerrymandering by the Tories over the years to make it easier for them I want any sort of opposition to stand up to them. Unfortunately I can't see it any time soon.
There is a limit to what can be said on here, just like in China, and for reasons that are concerned with the local central censors (admin). It's a private concern. They can exclude who they like, according to what they say. Irrespective of its content.
Your second sentence is exactly why it's not like China. We have a series of private concerns, all of whom maintain their own standards. If you don't like one, or they don't like you, then you move on to the next. Nobody's even going to stop you from setting up your own board, and controlling the content of it however you like. You're describing textbook liberalism and pretending that it's the same as having a central bureau who control every single format over which opinions can be expressed. I don't know why you were banned, and to be honest I find it surprising having read your posts, but surely you can see that this is a mad argument.
Looks like Labour will be supporting domestic COVID passports. Both parties colluding to erode your civil liberties without even a whimper from anyone. Worst government and worst opposition ever. But come the next election, everyone will vote for them all over again. Really disappointing.
If you get banned from a forum like this, posting stuff like I do, then it's as bad as China to me. I could indeed move on to another forum, but why should I? Aren't you interested in why people get banned? Or is it OK till it happens to you? Your solution is to start up another board. Really? So I can control what others say on it? Would you do that? I'm still here. I do love this board. I'm ashamed that they treat posters in such a way. I'm not arguing. I must just be mad.
Be careful, lokotyke will be on your case for not being balanced towards his tory friends, who was the mayor before bono? Now that's a more balanced view... Don't point of the facts on here, the idiots who voted for Brexit don't like it, and they can't answer the simple question of 'name one thing Brexit HAS done for us?'
Tends to be pretty obvious when and why people get banned on here doesn't it? I've no idea what you did to get banned and not sure where all this is coming from though.
You might think it's obvious. You are entitled to think so. The point is that you may suddenly disappear one day. What do you think about that? Couldn't surely happen could it? Did to me.