More that the code can be tracked to a person and I don't think we are allowed to pass them on in the same way our season pass terms and conditions don't allow that either.
I've always said the same about car parking spaces. You 'rent' that space for a period of time. If the space you've paid the agreed amount for and you don't use it then surely it's your decision to let someone else to use the rest of the time with your ticket.
I always pass my ticket on to someone else or stick it to the machine if there’s a decent amount of time left on it. It’s made me smile when others have done it for me and I’d like to think it’s given the recipient a little smile too.
I know, tight gits. They don’t offer a refund when you leave early though. Everyone over buys to avoid having to rush back.
Just to clarify, what I meant was cos it could only be used once. Realised I might have sounded a bit of a dick. Obviously completely up to them what they do with it. That wasn’t what I meant. Soz.
I know it's cheeky to ask but it's not for me so sod it. If anyone has a spare code they're happy to share could you please pm me it? I'd like to pass it on to my dad so he can watch a game. I know it's only a tenner etc. etc. but they soon add up over a season, especially when added to the cost of the ST and two annual audio passes I've bought already. Edit: thank you to the generous soul who pmed me. My dad will be well chuffed.