I was amazed and pleasantly surprised today when I went on my daily walk around Hoyland Common and Tankersley. Ten volunteer litter pickers in New Road. The verges of Tankersley Lane, Church Lane and New Road have copious amounts of rubbish, a substantial amount is McDonald’s packaging from the ,Drive-thru at the roundabout at the end of the Stocksbridge bypass. I’ve even seen asbestos cement boarding fly tipped. I just don’t get the mentality of the numpties who think it’s OK to chuck their rubbish out of the car window.
They get primary school kids to do it here once in a while. They combine it with lessons, bring them to the local beach for a clean up and teach them about crabs, seaweed limpets etc. Always thought it was a great idea, and the kids love it. Anything to get out of the classroom
you don't get any training to be ..............................................what do you mean you've heard it before
well done to everyone involved, hope they got lots of pictures and loads of likes on Facebook, its very public spirited,I booted an empty can of Stella from outside an old lady's house into the gutter when taking dog out, doing my bit ,she could have been over on that
Went for walk other day and there were 5 car tyres dumped on the side of the main road. The grass verges were strewn with rubbish obviously thrown out of cars and other rubbish dumped down a country lane , what do these people have for brain's? Answer's on a postage stamp.
They’re quite active here in Stairfoot, The Stairfoot Alliance Group and the Friends of the Oaks do a great job in keeping this part of the Trans Penine Trial clear and the old pit grounds. No mean feat when you consider there ‘s a McDs right at the side of the Trail here. Hoping to join them on a Saturday morning in the near future
There's a very active litter picking group in West Melton/Brampton Bierlow. The mother-in-law's next door neighbour is one of them.
that is so good ,it would go viral, shove it all in that little glass foyer bit they got ,lol, be funny that
I understand there is some consideration being given to fast food providers having to put car registrations to be put on takeaway packaging as a means of tracing litter.
Spartacus has been very active at the Oakwell Lane end of the TPT. With my Daughter he has collected over 30 bags and assorted electrical goods. They spent 5 hours at it one day last week.
They can easily tear the reg off the bags and still dump them and it wouldn't deter the walkers who dump their stuff some way from McDs on the trail. I ran past McDs at Stairfoot yesterday and picked up some rubbish McDs customers has dropped on the ramp down to the old Doncaster Road. I reported a Tesco trolley which had also found its way to the back of the Ash Inn this morning.
Have they also done part of the waste land between the ground and the old Canal viaduct? There were a load of bags up there last weekend and still clearly more to do. Well done and thank you to anyone who is active clearing up the litter! I do bits when out walking but it's remembering to take something to stick it in. It's just a shame it's necessary