I just genuinely don’t understand it all, probably as it doesn’t affect me. I’ve tried reading up and have bought in recommended books for the school library and I’ll always take care to use whatever pronouns anyone says they prefer (and stick up for them if someone else is intentionally using the wrong one when referring to them to be an arse). In my simplistic view of it all I’d have thought the thing to push for would be to get rid of gender stereotyping rather than choosing a specific gender and then conforming to those norms. People basically having to wear certain clothes based on gender (mainly men being pretty much banned from some) and being supposed to act in a certain way because of what is in your pants just seems really wrong to me and I don’t see why someone should have to ‘identify’ as a woman and start referring to themselves as ‘she/her’ to be able to wear a particular item of clothing or make up. As I say though, I’m definitely simplifying it through misunderstanding. I’ll keep trying to understand but I don’t know if it’s a sign of getting old but it’s hard to put the effort in and to not just do the easy thing and dismiss it.
are we having a non binary club trip, because if we are I do not want to go and spend all day on the beach looking after the kids, I want to go in the pub and keep staggering out shouting are you ok and waving ,then after a couple of hours somehow make it to the deckchair and fall asleep
This narrative that we used to live up to the age of 40 then die is a bit of a white elephant . Hunter gatherers average age was about 70 ( scientifically proven from records ) . The reason the average age is so low at 40 is because of all the juvenile deaths due to everyone living in urbanized areas which led to rapid spreading of diseases , a bit like COVID . If you were lucky enough to get past your childhood / teenage years without catching anything then more often than not you'd live well into your 60s and above .
I know a gay couple that have had a baby where they are both the child's parents. Born using a surrogate of course but genetically they are both the parents and nobody elses DNA was involved. Science has come a long way.
You have a point with some of this, and it's lovely that you are trying to understand. To try and explain some of it, there are different kinds of gender dysphoria. Some of it does come down to traditional gender ideals like clothing, makeup etc. And in this case I actually agree with you that gettng rid of gender stereotypes altogether is preferable to saying "gender roles have caused me pain, so I'm going to shoot straight for the other one and just play another rigid gender role". However, for some people gender dysphoria is nothing to do with style/gender roles. It's literally their body. They look down and feel horror, because they feel they have the wrong physical parts and their body isn't theirs. This can be caused by chromosonal issues, gene defects/mutations, hormone imbalances, etc etc. For example, a male to female trans person may want to take female hormones and have surgeries, but still present with a masculine style of clothing and still do masculine things. It's a very compelx issue which society is only now starting to really look into. Most trans people aren't militant like the scenario in the OP. They just want to go about their lives in peace like everyone else. Source: this is me.
How does that work? From googling I can't see anything that suggests 2 same sex parents can have a child without any 3rd party involvement
The post didn't say that the parents were male, but I'm struggling to see how 2 women could work either.
I don't know exactly how it works but I believe they take an egg and remove the woman's DNA (but the egg stays intact) and add in the DNA of one of the men. Actually now that I think about it, I don't think they've done this yet, so maybe science isn't quite there yet. It's what they have planned for their next child in a couple of years. I just remembered them explaining the process to me and I remembered it when I was reading this thread. The baby they've had recently is using one of their sister's eggs with a surrogate, so still technically a biological relation to both dads but not exactly their genetic child.
I think it's already happening, but I can't find anything about it online. The way they were talking about it, I'm pretty sure they have a place that can do it. But maybe they're just on a waiting list or something
Hit the nail on the head. As you point out. Those people can identify the difference between a reasonable question. And one that is not. And not be in the least offended. Let them decide for themselves. When they are of an age to understand what’s happening biologically to themselves. Not for others to dismiss their identity at birth as an agenda. To accuse folk of being Transphobic for asking the gender at birth. Is beyond the pale. A simple answer would suffice. It’s a topic of conversation. Mainly irrelevant. So what. no one died.