Actually, JD - as a lady of "child bearing" years, you are in the group that is more likely to suffer one of the clots that is causing concern - although significantly less likely than with the pill or hormone birth control methods. Statistically, your risk from a blood clot is slightly higher than your personal risk from Covid, but that ignores the risk of spreading it on.
I work with people who can’t have the vaccine, I’ll take it for their sake anyway, even if there’s a slight risk to myself. Their risk from Covid is higher than my risk of blood clots.
According to MHRA website, at the end of March there had been 713 deaths and 495345 adverse reactions reported on the yellow card scheme from when the scheme started in December. The reactions include strokes, brain bleeds, blindness and heart attacks. It's also noted that the estimation is that only 1% of reactions are being reported.
Yeah but then you also get people like someone at work who reported that the lateral flow tests give her cold sores.
Single digit deaths and under 2000 infections. Yet we've more shut than last summer when we had more cases, more deaths and no vaccines. Something is wrong that we have to wait another month and a half to sit in hospitality of the home of a friend or family member.
Well I've read all four pages of this thread and I feel compelled to register my general level of dissatisfaction with it. When I saw the title I thought it was the latest in an admittedly questionable series of posts by Terry Nutkins relating to deviant sexual practices. Perhaps the true fault lies in the darker corners of my (also admittedly) twisted mind. my immediate reaction was that the post would relate to ladies of dubious morality wearing pseudo medical attire imposing spurious "procedures" on my nether regions. My disappointment on the 10 minutes of my life that I'll never get back knows no bounds. I'll get my coat.
I've lost count, using all my fingers, toes, and other protrusions, of things that are definitely not going to happen, according to the BBS, that actually have happened over the last 12 months.
Barnsley is currently 2nd in the list of Covid hotspots in the UK, Huddersfield (12th), Wakefield (1st), Doncaster (3rd), Sheffield (6th), Leeds (7th) and Bradford (8th) are all in the top 12 - all with more than 3x the underlying national rate. The national rate (7 day rolling 2930 on 2/4 - last date with complete data on is still higher than it has been at any point since early September 2020 (2889 on 4th September). The situation is improving, but to say that it is over is like saying the season is over and Barnsley are in the play-offs - especially with the scenes at the (probably illegal) tented pub in Coventry from last night or queues outside Primark this morning. It also takes 4-5 weeks for the effects of any changes to the restrictions to be reflected in the underlying trends - 2-3 weeks for any new infections to become symptomatic, then testing and another week to compile the results. So if opening up today sees an increase in the infection rates, we won't know about it until early May *at the earliest*. That is why the five week delay is in the schedule.
The usual gestation period then takes place over a timescale of approximately 4-6 months until it then becomes "I don't see a problem with it".
Asking out of curiousity more than wishing to start an argument- what has actually happened that people said wouldn't? We haven't had compulsory vaccinations - as I recall that was a massive thread- I've not seen anyone from your camp as such say, "ok so we got this one wrong, that hasn't happened" now we're a decent way into vaccinating the population. We haven't been told we will need passports to get a loaf of bread and I can't see that changing. I don't think anyone was surprised that we would potentially need it for international travel though? Even if that does come in, it still looks to be a temporary measure or with the alternative choice of having a PCR test from what I've seen. What have I missed?
If you can’t see that all the talk of vaccine passports for pubs or to get into the football is a form of coercion into persuading people to get the vaccine, then I can’t help you.
What's with Premier League players maybe being allowed to push in....
It’s significantly different to forced vaccines though isn’t it? Especially with the fact that you can have a small test as an alternative.