They really don't like black men do they.... Lessons still need to be learned from what happened with George Floyd.
The FIVE cops who shot this 15 year old unarmed boy have finally been charged with manslaughter. It wasn't widely covered over here Neither was the killing of this unarmed dad America needs to learn that gun regulation is the only thing that's going to stop people being shot
I It is 100% a race issue but let’s not pretend that guns aren’t the main contributing factor to deaths here.
Is mistaking your gun for your taser a race issue? I'm a loony lefty but this seems to just be sheer incompetence. big difference between a hand gun and a taser
It's behind a paywall but having seen the bodycam footage her actions and reaction seem consistent with her thinking she had unholstered her taser. She should absolutely face manslaughter charges etc. but I just don't think there's sufficient evidence to conclude this was a racist incident.
I'm no gun (or taser) expert, but shouldn't the safety catch or whatever have been on both weapons? If so, I'm sure you could have told the difference between the two, when making them ready for use. I've not seen the incident so I'm not suggesting it was race related, however it does seem like a phenomenal error to make, which could have been very easily avoided. Why they need 2 weapons is a question that needs to be asked though. I just don't understand the appeal of guns. Had a warrant out for his arrest did nt he ? This can all be traced back to the 1994 crime bill which was co wrote by non other than president Joe biden . This led to more warrants being administered and a more aggressive police force to serve said warrants . Repealing this particular law would be a step in the right direction but it's never going to happen . The prison industrial complex has become huge business due to the above bill and if theirs money involved then I don't see anything changing anytime soon .
He was outside of the car being handcuffed when he jumped back in and tried to escape. Really stupid thing to do but still not deserving of being shot.
Again I'll say this, the American social system is in melt down, years of an attitude of "Let the Devil take the hind most" is taking its toll, basic human emotions are being eroded year on year, basic human emotions such as care, love, nurture have all but gone for certain parts of American society, these shootings are a microcosm of this apathetic view, in the not too distant past the peoples of New Orleans were literally cast adrift following Hurricane Katrina, the world stood and watched an American government abandon its own. America has a lot going for it, but, my word, it needs to grow up.
The problem is that people don’t behave rationally when they have a gun pointed at them by a cop that they no longer trust due to all the incidents that happen. It seems that civilians are expected to follow confusing and contradictory instructions (I’m talking about in general here, I haven’t seen this specific incident) and when they are unable to do so they are shot and a lot of people excuse it because “they weren’t following instructions”, yet when a trained cop behaves irrationally (something which they are supposed to be trained not to do) they are excused with “it’s a difficult job” While gun control laws are a huge part of the issue in the US, they’re far, far, far from the only issue. There is a massive issue with systemic racism within police forces and cops that try and fight it are essentially ostracised which just makes the problem worse. This issue is also exaggerated by the fact that so many incidents happen between cops and African Americans that it makes everybody more weary of the situation. There’s also a massive problem when it comes to training for cops. Many are undertrained or trained badly (This varies state to state) - I got shown a video the other day of a cop training video in the US and so much of it is around “Anybody can have a weapon. Everybody is a potential threat. Be alert at all times” and I think this shows in how they approach situations.
Nope, the only thing that is going to stop people being shot is 2 magic buttons. 1st button is to vaporize every single firearm on earth. 2nd button is to wipe every single persons memory that firearms ever existed.
I’d go along with that other than she can see what weapon she has in front of her and it doesn’t look anything like a taser
Having just seen it, I would agree. I do think there is a race problem though, just not necessarily in this case.