The best thing about if we win promotion this year is we can, at the moment, pick up a promotion season replica kit at half price from the club shop. My grandkids are now the niftiest dressed kids in south L**ds.
Whilst I agree about the ‘income opportunity’ there’s little point in increasing the capacity of the ground by several thousand just to fill in the corners. Although you now have me thinking of quality uses of that space.
Why is football always 3pm on Saturday (formerly 3:15). Why not 1pm or 4pm? Maybe even 6pm would be better to give more people who normally work (or kids/pub football, etc) on Saturday the chance to go to a game. Alternatively, 12 noon would remove the need for floodlights making it cheaper for the smaller clubs to operate but make it harder for travelling fans to get there (and later would make it harder for them to get back home). Just because something has always been done that way doesn't mean it is the absolute best time for everyone.
You will never please everyone of course, but 3pm has always been a decent time so that fans can get there or get home without having to wake or return home at silly o' clock.
A regular established kick off time allows the ability to arrange time off work and to plan ahead if you want to attend most games. Changes at the whim to meet TV demands can be a real pain.
It would be great to win promotion but....I don’t think my heart and stress levels could handle the play offs