Kids can decide after I'm gone, they will have some money left by me up to them how much they choose to spend, I won't know anything about it!
If it’s the money you’ll have left them it’ll still be you paying for it. I imagine it would be nicer for them if it was all sorted and they don’t have to go through the stress of organising it. I also imagine they’d feel obliged to spend more or you than you probably would on yourself. Not sure how much of a scam these plans are though.
Strange that , wife got a mail shot this lunch on something of similar lines & said that it would suit me ! It appears that they collect the body from the hospital/ morgue or where ever & have it transported to a crem in Hampshire & then send the ashes on , whilst you have a memorial service or what ever you want in a place to suit you, bloody hell , torched in Hampshire , its got to be your worst nightmare !
Thing is, the funeral is for the bereaved. What's the point of me planning it? They might want a place to visit and a headstone, they might want me on the mantleshelf or scattered to the four winds. I really dont care, I just want them to do what makes it bearable for them.
Strap me to the back of a Lambretta & send me over Beachy Head cliffs wearing a snorkel parka, in flames preferably.
Marlon, surely you cannot have done something so bad in your life that you would be laid to rest at Hillsboro , no one deserves that !
i got one as well mate, when my daughter came to pick harry up she saw it, smiled and whispered . . . yes. . disneyland