Quite like that thought. Kind of not adding a burden on what to do with you or following allsorts of requests... But do what they want. * slaps face *... I'm far too young to start thinking for a start
Couldn't care less once I'm gone, i won't know anything I'll be dead, but please I want nothing holy, religious, mention of God's or anything like that simply because I don't believe in a God,
Me and the wife have already done that, but there are quite a few caveats involved and they tell you to be ready to make alternative arrangements if they don't take you.
Good on you mate. Was a bit of a money saving humour response. But in reality im not so sure I'd go for it. Organ donation no problem. But your choice goes to another level. Never looked into it. And not sure I would to be honest.
This is my exact stance, I literally couldn’t give two hoops what happens to me (although it would be nice if is was something useful like organs donated or whole body to science) but the only thing I’m definite about is I don’t want anything religious. I’ve been to quite a few funerals and had to listen to variations of they are in heaven, they are with God, they will be reborn and it just upsets and angers me as I sit there thinking ‘no they’re not, they’re gone stop lying’. I’m perfectly fine obviously that they had the funeral they or their family wanted but I don’t want someone using my death to lie to my family and friends.
Obviously it would be a mistake as I don’t think anyone hates me that much but non the less it would be catastrophic having to listen to them for eternity . Not a risk I’m willing to take tbh . I’ve told them to throw me into bin but they’d a debate whether it be Grey, Blue, or Brown one .
Totally agree, it must be comforting thinking you will see loved ones again or go to a heaven/ paradise or whatever place your religion calls it, but for me you're gone, like before you were born, plus I put science before any religious book, I'm like you in regards to when I go, donate to science, use it as one of them Mexican like toys what kids smack with a stick to get the sweets out, I know I'm a bad atheist lol
It came about quite a few years ago, my late brother in law did it after being in hospital, he got talking to a surgeon and to cut a long story short there is a shortage of cadavers for students to work on. Appatently they disect the body and allot parts to the relevant departments to work on. It struck a cord with me, I've had open heart surgery and if the surgeon hadn't had the opportunity to practice on a cadaver he wouldn't have done as good a job as he did on me. Unfortunately my brother in law had to have a post mortem so that ruled him out of being accepted, like I said there's a lot of criteria involved, it's not straight forward.
I'm a fence sitter on this one. If it's a comfort believing you will get to see a loved one in heaven I don't really see the harm, and they will never know they've been lied to.
My daughter used a cadaver in her first year of dentistry. I think they have a nemorial service for those who have donated their bodies at the end of the year. Not sure if it was religious or not.
Yes they do, if they don't accept either of us then a pure cremation is the way we'll go, neither of us are religious and I don't want a stranger conducting a service as though he knew me, been to a few non religious services conducted by celebrants and quite a few bordered on embarrassing, so not for me.
This is the extent of my funeral planning: Entrance music - Timerider - Cocoon* Exit music - ELP - Fanfare for the Common Man * if you're there in person, I'll expect you to clap me in, in true Oakwell fashion.