Rotherham for me, in a bad- tempered affair where Coventry have 3 of their key players sent off, and injuries to boot. Seriously though, I hope the Millers can stay up. They could get a couple of wins before we take the 3 points from our game with them.
Really couldn't give a monkeys. Whoever get the most points will have the chance to play in the Championship again next season.
A bit torn. I want Rotherham to stay up, but at the same time, if they lose tonight and Saturday, our next few games might become a bit easier.
The Chuckles for me. I have some sympathy for Cov fans, having worked with a few at Jaguar, but none whatsoever for the club. Back when we played them in the Prem, they had their own ground, were in a reasonable financial state and at the end of that season finished 11th, their highest ever. A series of dodgy deals with SISU saw them eventually into league 1 and homeless. Nobody seems to know what happened to all the money from the sale of Highfield Rd. They don't deserve any better.
I really want Rotherham to stop up so them for me. I'd have kind of liked Wycombe to have stopped up too but a bit late for them (controversial I know)
Going to be interesting to se who takes that third relegation spot along with Wycombe and the Massives. Could easily be any one from 5 teams.
Rotherham for me they deserve to stay up this time. I have never forgiven Dion Dublin throwing himself go the ground in the box at Highfield Road to get an 89th minute pen for Cov and to score it himself giving them a 1-0 home win.
Rotherham for me, i think if cov win they,ll shut up shop against us and try for a point, if Rotherham win they may feel they have to take the game to us. I want Rotherham to stay up aswell...