We're in a worldwide pandemic, lives have been turned upside down, people have lost their loved ones and our "norm" is no longer the same as it was just over a year ago It's no wonder folk are scared. However, the reality is that we are learning more about the virus, vaccination is hopefully putting us on the track to getting back to how we were.
Yeah you've got me. I'd absolutely love it. I've made the best out of a bad, but necessary situation. I've spent a lot of time with my wife and I've not missed out on much social interaction at all, because the internet exists. I've been on video calls most days for the last year with various people. It's not rocket science. Sitting about moaning about how bad your life is in lockdown is just going to make everyone around you on edge and make it all worse. Make the best out of the situation. Nobody wants this, everyone would love for it to end tomorrow, but it can't.
I think if people love a zoom call, then it wouldn’t be out of order to have their hard drives checked.
It still baffles me that folk still can't differentiate between being in favour of certain restrictions with HE LOVES LOCKDOWN HIM AND WANTS IT FOREVER.
Not quite as bad as acknowledging we’re in a global pandemic therefore there have to be some measures in place to manage that means ‘supports everything this Tory government has done’.
Real life is nuanced in shades of grey - not black and white. You can support lockdown or other measures, but not the way that they have been implemented by the government. It is possible to broadly support the measures, but want further steps to help people and industry struggling financially. You can support quarantine - or vaccine/test "passports" for anyone entering the country, but not within the country - or understand that for anyone leaving it is the decision of the destination country. You can understand the need for anyone working with vulnerable people to be vaccinated to protect the vulnerable - and perhaps want to expand that to include those in public/customer service (teachers, transport workers, etc) to help to cut transmission. You can support masks/handwashing in shops/trains, etc but understand that will eventually be withdrawn - and be ok with that as long as it continues to be acceptable for people to voluntarily take those measures to protect themselves and others in future. You can acknowledge that the vaccine rollout is currently going well, but some others countries are in a much better position and can afford to stop using the AZ vaccine (Denmark), or that many other countries are just 3-4 weeks behind the UK. You can understand that it isn't over, until it is over *everywhere*.
Yep, it's definitely possible to scream for lockdown measures and then disown yourself of all the negative logical consequences arising from it.
It's here conspiracy theorists proved right. https://news.sky.com/story/covid-19...ational-travel-grant-shapps-confirms-12289071 They couldn't make it easy by putting it as part of the Serco app, so you have to download the NHS app to have both on your phone.
So what you actually mean is... There will definitely not be a vaccine passport. However, if a foreign country wants proof of a vaccine, the government is doing no work for that at all. But they will make sure that foreign countries do recognise the NHS app that already contains that info. So for context, they have decided not to offer anything at all. Whereas for other vaccines needed to travel abroad they take part in international schemes. And you’re interpreting that as ‘vaccine passports definitely exist’. Well done.
We all know this bit by bit change is leading to far bigger use. I would be delighted but shocked if we all don't need to show our status at the turnstile for games at Oakwell next season. We know if you want to go to a music concert, gig or theatre show it will be coming in this summer.
Where are they saying that a negative test won't suffice as an alternative? Or is this just more scaremongering nonsense? Every suggestion I've seen has had options as being proof of vaccination, recent neg test or test on site.
How TF do you interpret the government doing absolutely 9/10 of 4/5 of fu ckAll as warning that we’re going to be showing ‘certificates’ to get in the football. Talk about doubling down in the face of negative evidence. Again, just to be clear, you’re using as evidence of compulsory ‘vaccine passports’, a report that the government is planning no system whatsoever, and saying that if foreign countries require evidence of a vaccine, they’re happy to show them what the NHS app page looks like. (It’s literally impossible for them to do less). Meanwhile, last time I went on holiday, I needed to take actual hard copies of very real international vaccine certificates. Meanwhile in your world ‘we all know’ that you’re right
The opposite is true, nowhere in anyone’s guidance is anyone actually stating they want a vaccine passport currently AFAIK. But for most countries (including returning here) you will have to show a test result.
Ive deleted that last sentence- havent seen anything other than what i said reported. Anything brought in would be short term until the pandemic was over anyway. Sick of all this scaremongering, no consideration for other people's wellbeing and circumstances whatsoever. I'm fully vaccinated so it doesn't affect me, but I can bet it is worrying others. I went to buy a loaf of bread yesterday and was shocked I wasn't surrounded at gunpoint and asked to show proof of vaccination by the SS
Luckily, I take my phone everywhere with me, so I can ensure safe passage by opening up my NHS app, scrolling to my medicines and showing both my vaccinations. Though, oddly we just booked a weekend in a hotel, and no one enquired about the vaccines. We’re also hoping to travel abroad in the summer, and according to the latest guidance, we’ll have to take at least 2 tests, but again; nothing at all about the vaccines. Meanwhile on Barnsley’s answer to the Lancet, the ‘experts’ tell me that there’s absolute proof that I will need to show my non existent vaccine certificates.
It has always been suggested that way, you have a test unless you show proof of vaccine and then you don’t need one. What will end up happening is proof of vaccine not being accepted and then everyone who has had the vaccine will kick off that they are having to have tests to get in places when this would have allowed them the *option* of showing this *if they wished to* instead (of course, anyone who wanted to keep their vaccination status secret could have always just chosen to have the tests anyway).