If it didn’t happen I don’t know whether to applaud him for not doing it, or to add it to his list of lies.
Yes it is and I'm sure that's what they will be highlighting. Labour need to appeal to more than the members that was quite clear after 2019.
Then why was it hidden? Why was it not spoke about or even reported by his office ? If it was all clean and above board he’d have stood on a soap box yelling why he was doing it to save lives etc etc and these were the lengths he was going to to get things done . He was lining his friends pockets in the smokescreen of a pandemic and that’s why he tried to keep it quiete . If he had done it above board no one in the country would have condemned him . The reason he didn’t is because the deal went far and above trying to just get ventilators which many industries were volunteering to produce by the way and weren’t asking for tax dodges. The way it was done will be on a list of sleaziness this Slimeball had descended our Governing offices into .
Nail on head. First to mention Dyson. A man who's moved his manufacturing side lock stock and barrel out of the uk. Into Asia. A knight of the realm. And one of the richest men in the world.
Correct - Labour are trailing the Tories in the latest opinion polls based on the success of the vaccine rollout and easing the burden on the NHS - so I watched Starmer criticising Johnson for trying to do something that could have potentially helped people in the UK and ease the burden on the NHS and then add on the sleaze tag at the end - Johnson then comes back with "I make absolutely no apology at all for shifting heaven and earth and doing everything I possibly could, as I think any prime minister would in those circumstances, to secure ventilators for the people of this country," - Starmer just basically gave Johnson the easiest get out possible - why bother to criticise something that the polls indicate is a plus point for the opposition? - Starmer is another Blair, a lawyer who can analyse and criticise but has no alternatives plans to offer - unless he comes up with something soon the Tories will increase their ratings in the polls IMO
Maybe it's because I'm not rich but why, when you're stinking rich and a few more £ million doesn't really matter, would you move your operations off-shore and deny work and the expenditure it provides, to your fellow countrymen and women, then prophess to be a great patriot?
Being held to ransom then. SIR James Dyson should had the decency to finance the tax issue. Boris should have called him out on that. SIR James Dyson one of the richest men in the world. Wanted to join the Euro. Then supported Brexit.
Funny how people see things differently. I saw Johnson flailing badly. Stuttering his words, getting angry at the audacity of someone daring to call out his corruptness. His skin getting puffier and redder to the point you could easily see his growing bald patch (despite the pitiful attempts to cover it). He sounded completely ridiculous as he blustered. Then decided he was going to be aggressive to Anna McMorrin, he has a tendency to do that to women who try and hold him to account. Maybe somebody else could argue they moved heaven and earth at lightning speed. The man who didn't attend cobra for 5 sessions, who sat on his hands as the virus became endemic despite warning from Italy, who waited for the football authorities to close movement and allowed the cheltenham festival, who shook hands with infected patients and had Downing Street as a covid hotspot, well, this person couldn't. Tory sleaze is baked in. It's always been there but this UKIP version of the tory party is something else altogether. Johnson frittered millions as London Mayor and there were numerous allegations of sleaze and corruption, and thats before the Arcuri affair was confirmed. He was propped up by the Russian owner of the evening standard, and abdicated as many of his roles on TfL and the Met as he could. He also hated scrutiny and tried to get out of sitting before the London Assembly. Instead spending more care and effort on his £250,000 Telegraph column and having a cosy job as an MP without portfiolio. He's repeating much of that with bells on now, and so many just seem content letting him. I really don't know why that is and I'd very much like to understand if anyone can offer some reasoning.
I could not have put it better my self. Starmer told Johnson this government is a party of sleaze and he was at the heart of it what more could he say.
I think it’s amazing how a report of Tory sleaze becomes an attack on Starmer. I’d say that it was evidence of the Tory marketing machine in operation, but I think it’s just ordinary fans on here. I’m highly suspicious of the Bath landlord and it seems that no matter what iniquities the UKIP Tories get up to, it’s labour’s fault.
Blair who won 3 consecutive elections? The first by one of the biggest if not the biggest margin this country has seen in 97?
Sure, but the difference is, is you relook at my point, that Starmer has NO OTHER PLAN other than to criticise - Blair did have the plan - he realised the only way to win was to win over Tory middle England and did so with aplomb by spinning the story to fit the situation, can't personally abide the man myself, but he knew how to win - Starmer I am afraid atm does not
I have little doubt BoJo the clown will get a second term with possibly even an increased majority. Then the wheels will fall off as Brexit and all its problems rear their ugly heads, clear of the cloak of Covid. I think Starmer just has to play a straight bat and keep chipping away at Clownman. The Tories might however even get a third term if the UK falls apart under this useless turd and it ends up with just England. If there was one policy I would like Starmer to adopt it would be the Labour Campaign for Electoral Reform's proportional representation proposal. This would make everyone's vote count whether you are a Conservative in Barnsley (slightly old news now I know) or a Labour supporter in Surrey.
I'm not sure you'll ever see that again so early in a parliamentary cycle. If Starmer comes out now with a manifesto, the Tories use their media friends to rubbish the parts of it they find to be less palatable through focus group testing and anything popular they'll crib it and push it through budgets and legislation, so come the GE Labours best ideas have been done already. When in opposition, its their job to oppose. Not to govern.
He's not really had chance yet in the middle of a pandemic speaking to a camera has he? He seems very engaging when he's able to get out and speak to voters (Barring one loony) and I think once he's able to do that he will be able to start making more ground up. He's taken Boris apart again today at pmq's he just needs more freedom to get out and build support.