To the date 2 years ago Barton allegedly assaulted Stendel. I’ve not seen anything on this for a while, has this issue concluded yet or still ongoing? Those 2 years have absolutely flown by, seems only yesterday we were talking about this incident.
Due to be tried June sometime I think.i was hopeful Barton would get his comeuppance but recently I'm not so sure.
Is it normal to wait two years before trial? In that time the details and magnitude of the offence could have faded in people's memories.
Trials can take a good while to see court but it will have been the delays with Covid that have pushed it back longer than usual. There is a huge backlog.
I can't see anything happening as it appears that there were no camera or whitenesses? So it's one man vs another (albeit with a reputation). I am surprised it's got as far as it has.
Judging by his latest outburst against The Gas' former managers and his current squad, it looks as though a leopard does not change its spots. I wonder what happened with Barton and Ched Evans at Fleetwood According to the report, Stendel called Barton a ****ing scally, so Barton chased him down the tunnel and knocked 2 teeth out to leave everyone in no doubt how much of a ****ing scally he is.
The CPS must feel they have a case so I suppose it's a case of wait and see. Hope Daniel has a **** hot lawyer.
There was a huge backlog before Covid too. The government has underfunded the court system for years.
Yeah, but it’s a cornerstone of British Law that if someone attacks you, or steals from you, it’s not your job* to prosecute them, the State does that for you. *Im aware there is still space for private prosecutions, but we’re getting well off topic now.