I used it because I wasn't defending him. I fundamentally disagree with the vast majority of his decisions. I was just pointing out that it's not the fact that he weighs up the economy against lives that makes him a ****.
Probably the two best previous examples of (British) governments balancing lives against the economy were in the 1840s, when Earl Russell operating a Laissez-Faire policy in Ireland and millions starved while enough food to save their lives was exported into Great Britain so the (mainly Tory) landholders could make their profits. This lead to a mass exodus from Ireland and over 1 million dead. More recently, Churchill made the decision to allow the Bengalis to starve in WW2 and an estimated 2-3 million died as a result.
Government 'turning blind eye' to harm from classroom face mask policy (telegraph.co.uk) It beggars belief that people are getting vexed about who paid for wallpaper when every day we see stories like this about flagrant disregard for the Hippocratic oath and accepted policies and procedures in public health. The catastrophic mask mandate and lockdown policies implemented with, at best, a lack of regard and risk assessment of the harmful impacts and at worst a deliberate ignoring and downplaying of those consequences. These are blatant acts of criminal medical negligence by SAGE and the government, yet no one seems to care 'because COVID'. And people are arsed about funding a few rolls of anaglypta ffs. Talk about dead cat on the table.
It's about who initially funded a few rolls of anaglypta plus other items to the cost of £59,000 people have a right to know and want to find out if favors were given in exchange T.M., with that much sleaze going off by other government ministers things like this should be accountable and not swept under the carpet.
It's incredible to think that people don't care if their prime minister is just a little bit dishonest. Hardly bolsters confidence in his wider integrity, does it?
It's not about wallpaper though. It's about the conduct and accountability of those in power. It does seem a bit Al Capone and tax evasion that this is the issue that is finally getting coverage, given the handling of the pandemic so far. But it's better than nothing, and seems to be the one where he may not have been as good at playing the system as he has with other issues.
It's the Butterfly Effect that's the issue for me. Tory Chump pays for Johnson's refurb. Tory Chump then somehow lands huge government contract for the production of PPE. Said PPE is then shoddy and not fit for purpose. Thousands of people are then negatively affected.
Yes he has done well he’s done very well and I don’t know what all this fuss is about he’s only decorated his flat does it matter where the money came anyway he invented that jab I had so I can go on holiday and you have to be clever to do that he went to that posh school at Oxford so they called it after that see and he’s got funny hair and likes to have a laugh and he loves this country as much as me I’ve got a flag in my window and my dad fought in the war not for all these foreigners to be over here not that I’m racist but they take our jobs and he never said he wanted bodies piled up in street and I don’t care if he did as long as they’re not in my street because I’m one of them people that does care yes. I care about me.
A bad character is a bad character. Its like saying Hitler illegally invade Poland and then went on to murder millions of innocents. Then proclaiming I suppose he had to start somewhere. Boris is rotten to the core, his history in both his personal and public life is one of self interest and making sure he comes out of it with more power and wealth. The job of Prime Minister the last time I checked is one where the individual provides a public service. Not a job used to feather your own nest and if you've the chance do the same for your mates, supporters and donors. There endth the sermon.
But he and Dom fell out yonks ago, no one cared what Cummings had to say till now. And Gove’s Mrs has always written for the Mail. My point is... what’s changed? Why all of a sudden has Kuensberg, Peston, the Mail etc decided to turn on Johnson. He hasn’t done anything worse than previously. I agree we all knew he was a short term PM, put there only as his populist persona would get any old crap Brexit through. But who’s decided the time is now, and what levers have they used to shift the media’s stance. That’s the story that’s intriguing me.
Don't really care who paid to do the flat up. It's irrelevant in the big picture. Also not too fussed whether he made the alleged comment or not. Again does it really matter? He obviously didn't mean/follow through on it because we did have another lockdown. So he was convinced otherwise. At the very least it says perhaps he was questioning it. Lockdowns work, I don't think that was ever the question (and it was it shouldn't have been) So the question should never have been 'do lockdowns work?' Their wide-ranging negative impact should have been properly assessed Then, the question should always be 'are lockdowns necessary?' Do we *need* to criminalise everyday life? Or can we ask people to make some changes? Instead with the negative impact (rightly or wrongly) or the previous year coming to bare down on the British public every "journalist" is churning out articles on Boris flat and some comment he may have made. They aren't the big issues to me. I think our government and opposition are both highly incompetent and embarrassing but let's at least hold them to account on the things that really matter.
Maybe the prospect of a dog fight has emboldened the media to have a go at him as he'll be too busy watching Cummings to be bothered about the BBC etc.
I think Johnson's constant lying to parliament (and anyone else who happens to listen to him) is the most serious issue, that and the cash for his mates scandal. Not to mention the "oven ready Brexit sh*t show he's landed us with.....
This. We know he's lied, and lied, and lied and lied, and in Parliament as well. But now all of a sudden this is the one that gains traction? I'm not meaning to be an apologist, I just think it's bizarre that this is the one that seems to have stuck. As someone said further up - it's like Al Capone and tax evasion.
Don’t know how you come up with that one tbh. There’s been hundreds of posts on here about Boris being a liar about all different types of subjects . The reason it’s gaining stack in the main media is that a couple of the Tory Rags are beginning to crack and printing his vile deeds . Many people out there state that their not influenced by the media but it takes a media story to tell us what lots already knew .
Thing is mate, I've stopped listening to him because you know it's going to be a lie. How can you tell he's lying? His lips are moving.