And yet, the Tories have gone a further point ahead of Labour in the YouGov poll this week. I've said it before a few times - I'm not keen on Starmer. But he was superb in PMQ's yesterday. And there are no media attacks on him. He's not getting pilloried day in day out by the tabloids. So maybe he has a chance here, once COVID has disappeared and he can let rip a bit more, in public etc. Let's see. But I think it's clear Johnson is on his way. The Tory puppet masters are up to something.
I think it’s just that it’s the easiest to understand and relate to & report on. Man does up house using someone else's money is a lot more straightforward than the complexities, smoke and mirrors behind shareholdings, shell companies and contracts.
Translating into a healthy 11 point deficit in the polls. I did like the Labour policy for local elections. Vote Labour to ensure nurses get a pay rise. Maybe someone should tell ‘the adults’ that councillors don’t set NHS pay. Genius.
I'm not sure that this particular example is something that shakes my political foundations tbh. They are, at the moment, all worryingly second rate on both sides. Worst in my lifetime. This may be a continuing trend. Put away your social media tools. Otherwise, things will not improve.
You're giving the general public far too much credit. They have proved over and over again that the overwhelming majority of them are either self centred or just thick c unts.
It's already a huge positive for Starmer though, that the thick ***** are not picking up their rags on a daily basis reading lie after lie about him. But then, why is that? I know why that is. It's because those in real power, those pulling the strings, producing the rags etc, they are content with Starmer. And we know why that is too. Is it ideally what I want? Is it chuff. But it's still a million times better than the Tories. I've come to terms with that recently.
We can live in hope. Johnson is a charlatan but sadly the majority choose to not see it. In the words of INXS, It just mystifies me.
Not my job to impress you. Feel free to see the world however you please. but I thought this was a discussion not just an opportunity for you to wave your Willy
Why not accept that you have a well left of centre ideology that is not generally shared by the rest of our country? Rather than cooking up conspiracies as to why everyone else doesn't want something that you do?
It is a discussion. But you have decided not to engage in one, it seems. I'm always open to discussion.
For the record, in the last election 54-55% of the electorate voted for left of centre parties - compared to 44-45% for parties that are right of centre. The *majority* of people in the country share a left of centre ideology, but FPTP.
I've never hidden or denied that I'm well left of centre. 12,877,918 people voted for that same 'idealogy' in 2017. Very sadly, about 700,000 people more voted for the Tories. There's no conspiracy here.
Well left? Which is what I said We in the centre had no reasonable choice last time around. None. Least bad was what the country got.
It appears, if it was paid with a donation *and* not declared in time - irrespective of Johnson settling the bill later - it was a breach of the Political Parties, Elections and Refendums Act 2000. The Electoral Commission is investigating this, and it can lead to criminal charges. It also appears, that it is likely a breach of the Ministerial Code that states that no conflict of interest - or perception of that - arises due to the action of a minister. The ultimate responsibility for this rests with the PM, so that isn't going to lead to anything. Its also quite probably a breach of the fifth Nolan principle. It might just be wallpaper to many of the people out there (and on here), but at the heart of it is whether a sitting Prime Minister broke the law. Has this ever happened previously?
The ‘ impartial’ bloke Boris has appointed to look into policing the ministerial code , that the media are bulling up as ‘ he’s worked for the Queen so he’s alright’ , isn’t so impartial