Is it right that he has his name spread around with disgusting allegations of him on all major TV channels, radio and all over the internet and newspapers despite the fact he hasn't been charged with anything at all? And for different reasons is it right that the public should be denied the finale of a TV show simply because it stars him?
He's back look. Not seen a post of yours in a while (might not be looking). On another point, has this not been raised before?
In a normal workplace isn't an employee suspended whilst investigations are taking place? That would explain the suspension of the show finale imo. Unsure how I feel about name in the public domain like.
Never heard of him but the allegations I've just heard on the news were pretty bad and he's basically admitted it although denying any illegal act.
The last day I didn't post was 15th April I think (I'm sad enough to check) And it has been with regards to my first point but it is a little different this time in that he hasn't even been charged with anything at all, it's simply allegations in the guardian from what I've read. The main reason I posted though was the second issue of the final episode of a show not being shown which only really punishes the viewers and his cast mates who worked hard
I'm not sure really. Viewpoint was filmed in 2020, these allegations are about things that happened prior to that and are only informal allegations I think? Would an employee be suspended because of heresay about something an employee had done prior to their employment?
Pass, genuinely don't know. If they were as serious as these are, then maybe. Don't know why I commented on this tbf - haven't a clue what the answer is or my opinion is.
Which were covered up and not followed up for years by the BBC or Met police. He died never facing trial.
To be fair Helen, so were the ones against Cliff Richard. I think due to the amount of testimony I'll be surprised to find out he hasn't done anything, but they do really have seemed to have gone for the kill. It's funny timing, maybe there's uncertainty around an actual conviction or possibly they found someone else was going to break the story. It could just be that he's released the statement of apology that denies anything illegal, that's an odd thing to do in itself.
That doesn't automatically make them true Helen History is littered with false allegations. An allegation without any investigation doesn't mean a man (or woman) should have their life destroyed. We use courts for trials, not the media