To be fair to Dan, until COVID (obviously) he was a regular at Oakwell. Not at every home game, but at least half.
A representative of our town is proud of the town's football club. I don't understand how anyone can have a pop at this. Nowt as queer as folk.
I don’t know how he has the cheek to refer to “us” when he was brought up and was always a Forest fan. But then, he is a politician. If I took a job in, say, Bristol, I would never in a million years wash my hands of the Reds and convert to being a Gashead or whatever they call Brizzle City fans.
You probably would if you were elected by the people of Bristol multiple times to represent them and their interests at a local and national level.
In my own personal experience running the twitter account @bfcstats, Dan has followed the account for a good couple of years now and regularly likes tweets I post about the club’s achievements. I don’t think opportunism is something you could fairly level at the bloke here. What is disappointing, however, is his use of the phrase “Your impact on our fortunes cannot be understated”, which means the complete opposite of what he intends to say. He means to say “cannot be overstated”, which would make sense in the context of a letter of praise. But I’ll let him off
We've been upgraded twice already, to this season's Forest, then this season's Brentford. Let's hope we're this season's Fulham
Are you sure you’re not getting mixed up with former Barnsley East MP Michael Dugher, he was labelled a Forest fan and he was from Notts area. BTW Gasheads are Bristol Rovers fans.
The bloke does two jobs MP for Barnsley central and Mayor of South Yorkshire the latter I believe without taking his salary and he finds time to congratulate the manager of the club we support and people knock him for it ffs give the bloke a break. At least.hes shown an interest which is more than the other 2 Barnsley MPs have done it would seem.
Dan’s a bit militarist for me. A Forest fan, but still a nice touch, which you’d expect from your MP.
He wondered where we would be if we had the roar of the ponty end I know where we would be mid table at best due to the critical fans we have constantly complaining and shouting rubbish Barnsley