I can't and never won't understand how a gas thing can ever be classed as a BBQ. May as well fry it or stick it in the oven
Yeah I'd read that article, and it was one of the reasons why I asked you lot for help. When its judgement is "in the end, it really depends on individual preferences", it's time for strong opinioned blunt speaking tykes / colliers to put me right.
Best gas one we had was a Cadac, with various plates and griddles and a good lid. I prefer charcoal but struggle with amounts / temperatures. Sometimes seems to get too cool by the time the last meat goes on. Last year we bought a few of those small, eco friendly ones encased in wood. They were good but they are not the largest. A lot of the time now, we cook the whole shooting match in the oven and just finish it off on established coals in the garden and serve. Except steaks, I find I can get a decent medium-rare done on a bbq better than I can on the hob in the kitchen.
Nah! Built it myself .... (see picture below)-albeit from 2015 when I had just finished it). Looks less 'pristine' now . I am quite proud of it as I am not a builder and it was my first and only attenpt at such a task. I also had no help so had to resort to using a car jack and bricks to raise the concrete plinth I had cast on which the oven itself sits to waist height before rolling it in to place using wooden logs as rollers (nicked the idea from the Egyptian pyramid builders) The insulation has to be seen to be believed with multiple layers of rockwool and expanded clay pellets above the firebricks making up the domed interior. The oven stays hot enough after a dinner time pizza session to bake bread late evening and then cook a breakfast next morning. The whole thing cost me around 800 euros in cement, bricks firebricks tiles insulation etc. Zero labour charges (just an aching back!)
I am one of those who' lives to eat not 'eat to live'. My Italian friends ( a nation known with it's obsession with food and drink) have described me as a " buona forchetta" which translates to 'a foodie' (or in some cases someone who simply eats a lot!). I love cooking as well as eating. My wife is less complementary and calls me a 'control freak' in the kitchen and 'Lloyd' ( after Lloyd Grossman) as I like things a certain way so end up doing 90% of the cooking. We are fortunate to be able to buy great produce here and quality over quantity is what we prefer.
Big Green Egg is the only way to go. https://www.biggreenegg.co.uk/?gclid=EAIaIQobChMInKbc-4Gr8AIVHertCh1V4AyhEAAYASAAEgKlnfD_BwE First, disadvantage – very, very pricy Advantages – will last a lifetime so that offsets buying a new un every few years. Does everything to perfection. Easy to control temperatures up to 400c/700f. I’ve known nowt like it. Does fantastic pizzas and cooks a joint like nowt you’ve ever tasted. We ONLY ever do our Sunday roast and roast tatties on it now. Can be used all year round.