You forgot, Bojo spoke, therefore, the "road map" is all lies. No sane person would believe a word he says.
Taking this thread in a slightly different direction a - I’ve just watched the introduction to the snooker final and they’ve got almost a capacity indoors. Using consistency wouldn’t half capacity at Oakwell not make sense?
Presumably though you agree that that also means we should bring dates forward where the stats justify it? Data not dates, right?
The dates were described as "not before" dates, weren't they? The idea being four weeks to monitor the latest 'loosening' and one week to consider and authorise the next step. The implication being that the date would alter if concerns were raised. A fairly sensible policy, it seems to me.
Raab today was playing it safe with his words I noticed. He was trying to stay on message for unlocking, but something everyone needs to keep an eye on is the Indian mutation, and who its affecting and infecting globally. I'm not scaremongering or wanting to extend the lockdown before anyone tries making those accusations.
You lost me at 'top UK cabinet member'. If that **** is a top example, I'd hate to see one of the wrong 'uns!
Most people aren't social distancing at all and haven't been for months. People have also been meeting in each others homes for months. I've worn a mask in shops largely to avoid confrontation. Still yet to see any real evidence they make a ny real difference. I think public behaviour is ahead of the road map anyway. When it warms up I think I may just ditch the mask. The list of exemptions is huge anyway. We ditched the mandatory wearing of visors at work and made it optional and I'd say about 95% have opted to go without.
You clearly don’t get out much so you’ll be pleased to hear that if you go out to most pubs/ bars on a Saturday neet, save for the outdoor aspect all but the most token gestures are pretty much written off. Hopefully you sleep sounder now.
The regulations requiring wearing of masks in a "relevant place" are in force until 24th July 2021 and non-compliance carries the threat of FPN's or prosecution. So regardless of how valid or justified one may think they are, that remains the law for the time being (The Health Protection (Coronavirus, Wearing of Face Coverings in a Relevant Place) (England) Regulations 2020).
SuperTyke. Can I just ask you a question, please? Why do you insist on making posts like this? I normally like the content of your posts, and I honestly think you get some undue stick on here. But this just feels like a cross between a post used to bait people into an argument, and a post to say "look at me, I was right all along!", and it's undermining your argument and stance on the governments reaction to the pandemic. You don't need to do it. I think we all know the government are crap, filled with liars, bullshitters and even plain old crooks. I honestly expect to still be wearing masks for years to come, just as they do in Asia after the bird flu(?). But at the end of the day, not a single one of us knows what tomorrow will bring. We could wake up tomorrow to 1,000 new strains that are 1million times more deadly. Should we blindly follow a roadmap, put together by said liars, bullshitters and (alleged!) crooks, or are we all prepared to react to any additional threats?
The reason the snooker was chosen as a test event is they could get 2 sets of data in one. It's both an indoor sports event, and in a theatre environment, so can use the data for both sports(indoors) and theatre productions to decide the best route back to normality for those events. I'm not sure there is any real data for outdoor events, though. Common sense would say that being outdoors mean less chance of the virus being passed on, but it's the concourse areas that are the issue. I'd say, from a totally unbiased opinion and thinking with my head and not my heart that quarter capacity is a fair compromise for the play-off semi-final match at both Oakwell and the away game. Then maybe half for the Wembley finals. Just wish the decision was mine to make!
We have had several test events in Liverpool- there's a concert taking part right now. 5k are attending an indoor festival - will have to see what results are
My daughters there after getting her negative covid test result yesterday. Hope she's having a great time!
As an aside, has anyone had a cold this year? I had one just before Christmas but that’s been it, not a single sniffle other than that which is amazing with how many I normally get working in a school. I can track it down to exactly when I got it too, a member of staff was in the library and not wearing a mask as they were sat over 2m away, I was wearing mine as I always do at work and was the only other person in the room. She blew her nose a couple of times and did a huge sneeze at one point. Two days later I was sniffly and sneezing too. I wore my mask throughout the few days I was under the weather and none of my colleagues got it.
Definitely helped with preventing colds. Mind you, not encouraging folk with colds to come to work woukd also help!
Schools have signs everywhere listing reasons that are not acceptable for students to be off school and ‘having a cold’ is always on that list.