I bet they having a brilliant time and making up for the past year. How does the testing work for a test event? Like do they let you do it yourself at home and register online your negative test or do you have to go to a specific test site?
I think you are on the ball with most aspects of life but I completely disagree with your view of basically zOOm 4 LIfE and restrictions forever. I think it’s mental. The zoom parties and work calls are truly tragic and me and my partner have missed our normal life no end, and no before you suggest it, that doesn’t mean our relationship isn’t as good as yours or others, we just enjoy the company of others, unlike you, who seems to be capable of a Fallout 3 style of life in Vault 101.
I've never once said that I want restrictions to last forever. I don't. At all. I'm just making the best out of a bad but necessary situation that's all. I think the idea that any form of restrictions are fascism and a slippery slope to permanent tyranny that some seem to be pushing is absolutely mental. I get it, the tories are in power and they're tories, but I think it's a bad faith argument on the whole and is just used by people that don't want restrictions for personal reasons to try and convince others to fight temporary restrictions.
What does this mean? For "personal reasons"? What sort of reasoning do you think people who are agaisnt the specific restrictions have?
My point is that a lot of people pretend to care about the economic impact, pretend that it’s a slippery slope into permanent restrictions, pretend that the thing they’re bothered about is people losing their jobs. It’s all just noise to try and convince people to be against *temporary* restrictions. I’m convinced that most people just don’t give a **** about anybody else and are purely bothered about their own social life etc. You’re one of the only people on here that admits that they’re against the restrictions for selfish reasons - and I’m not necessarily using that in a negative way, I fully understand your situation and why you’ve done what you have. I do think your opposition to masks is nonsense though. There’s no logical reason to be against masks for the general public.
People missing their social lives, People losing their jobs, families dealing with mental health issues etc. I’m not saying any of this to disparage people against restrictions, despite how it might sound. I fully accept that there are valid reasons to be against restrictions and I have done from the start, but it pisses me off when people pretend to care about the country/population at large when it’s clear that they’re just against it for selfish reasons.
My own perspective is my personal reasons. Since I last spoke about my home situation on here things have gotten much worse. My wife has been in a psychiatric hospital since the beginning of April. This has left me working full time (worked in person throughout) and being the main carer of 2 autistic children. On top of them both missing their mum my younger son has just to "isolate" again for no rational reason I can see. He has missed months and months of school in the last 12 months. When he doesn't attend school then he has zero education. He can't access his type of learning online, so it's just lost time. I'm led to conclude that society deems this a acceptable sacrifice and by nature of his disability he isn't entitled to a education like his neurotypical peers are. Despite my personal "reasons" and perspective which as you say I openly hold my hands up to. I'm not naive enough to think I am in any way in a unique postion. I wonder how many more people are suffering like this or worse. I also wonder why it isn't really reported at all in comparison to Covid. So the question should never have been 'do lockdowns work?' Their wide-ranging negative impact should have been properly assessed Then, the question should always be 'are lockdowns necessary?' Do we *need* to criminalise everyday life? Or can we ask people to make some changes? Yes we are slowly moving back the right way but for many the damage is well truly done.
It's all about being controlled. WHO have just updated their info to say Covid is airborne. So we've been forced to wear masks for ages when the so called experts didn't apparently know at the time that it was airborne.
Wasn’t the point that they suspected it was and so they said wear them to be safe? It’d be a bit of a bugger if they’d waited a year and a half to confirm that it is and then shrugged their shoulders and said ‘oh, well’ at all the lives lost in the meantime. It’s funny how people take the same information differently. I read it as proof they got something right and well done them and you read it as they’ve been forcing us to do something that has been proven to be the correct advice all along and that that’s a bad thing.
I don't read it as either. It's scientific evidence of the theory of how the virus is spread between people. It's hardly a revelation, this is how many respiratory viruses are spread, which is why it was a good hypothesis. This is simply articulating that the hypothesis was, as best as can be established, correct. It has nothing to say about masks one way or the other.
If it was a true pandemic...nobody would be immune. If it was a true pandemic why would the goverment put regional lockdowns in? Like a virus cant float from the boarder a few mile down the road from were its west Yorkshire . Only thing what as benifted from this is rich. Only people who have suffered is family buisness not big cooperations. What a surprise. Not here for an argument as people are entitled to the opinions. But its just clear as day whats going on without having to research.
Masks are not mainly to prevent airborne transmission. As you've been told many, many times. Masks are to prevent respiratory droplets from spreading.
Whole mask thing is confusing as we were told by the experts that they did very little good. I appreciate the postion on things can and should change but the wearing or not wearing of masks seemed to have no impact on the numbers. In the US we see different states with different positions and no clear indicators of effectiveness.
Dominic Baab I don't believe a word that comes out of his mouth someone had to tell him where Dover docks were, only the other day he was on TV saying its a matter of honor to be a public servant, honor there is not 1 cabinet minister knows the meaning of the word if they did they would all have resigned by now.
Not sure about 21st June but surely once everyone has been "offered" the vaccine then domestically it should be back to normal.