His last good film was Joe Vs The Volcano. Everything he's done after that is terrible. This is my unreasonable opinion.
Green mile, Forrest Gump, Apollo 13, toy story, saving private Ryan, the da Vinci code, the terminal, polar express, sleepless in Seattle, Philadelphia, that thing you do, you've got mail, cast away, sully. A beautiful day in the neighbourhood, extremely loud and incredibly close, captain Philips. The man's had more hits than Tyson fury. In terms of managing to knock it out of the park every time I reckon only robin Williams tops him.
I do like Tom Hanks, and he's been in some fantastic films. I really enjoyed most of The Terminal, but the ending really annoyed me, same with Castaway, really enjoyed that story line and then got properly miffed at the end (I shan't say what the endings were, for anyone who hasnt seen them and might).
And. ?. Lots of people were. Not are. btw. Bit crass that mate. Believe it or not. Jimmy saville had mates. Not allegedly. The queen was a fan and knighted him into the bargain.
I think Cast away was one of those films where theres no really good way to end it whilst giving an actual ending. The main part of the story was beautifully told but how do you end that satisfactorily? The terminal is a very similar story in a way so had a very similar problem. I quite liked how they attempted to end it but felt it needed another 15 minutes to go into more depth at the end
Tom hanks wasn't even listed on any Epstein flight ever, not one. But I get what you mean anyway, lots of people were friends with him, he was a rich and powerful man. Lots of people on here were mates with Chris corke but it doesn't mean there's anything dodgy about them. Bad people dont show their bad side 24/7, they don't tend to tell all their mates what they do
Funny how a really good film can be spoiled by how they sign off though. Even worse, I saw them back to back two days apart. You wouldn't think someone could throw such a strop over a thing like that! But I very well tried!