I posted the original Replacements recording yesterday. Hard to believe the song is 34 years old. Written by a very talented, regular, mid west, blue collar punk rocker. Has increasing resonance. Done recently & wonderfully here by Laura Jane Grace, Joan & Mylie. Just a brilliant, important fcking song. Enjoy..
Absolutely. I also quickly realised my satin trousers could not be worn out on such nights! And as for the crushed velvet shirts..... I could get away with those in my Ibiza clubbing days, a night out as a straight person in Soho with a group of 8 gay blokes.... no chance!
Spot on Mr C. As the dad of a gay lad. Humour has played an important part in our conversations. Times and views are changing all the time. He felt he'd cope better living in london. ( and does. ) Work opportunities also a big help.. ( media) But I get the impression he and his partner would possibly move to the area. Work permitting ( partner from Plymouth). When they come up and go out with us and lots of friends of my other lad. It's totally comfortable.
Yes, mate. I fitted better in London as a young bloke. & did things I would never have done, otherwise. My Dad was clearly relieved when I started bringing lasses home. I was always ‘different’, still am & proud of it. Nearly married one lass with a more glamorous profession. Didn’t tell the folks what exactly, but brother read the Sun, so he would have known...
Keep your head held high my good lady. You make your choices and they're there to make YOU happy not some prat in the street. That doesn't help with the abuse I'm afraid but just try to remember you ARE a better person than they are. Also try to remember that no matter how personal it may seem it really isn't. They'd make similar comments if you were black, Asian, homosexual, outwardly religious, fat, visibly thin, overly tall, short, even just a fan of a different football club or generally anything at all that they could possibly use to make their own pathetic little life seem better for a few seconds. You aren't their target, the world is.
Not sure I ever gave my Mam her blouse back. it’s playing the Marquee there, that blouse. Before anybody says owt.
My response default is generally music or painting. But gravy chips honesty has obviously provoked mine. & that’s the beauty of the original post, we’ve all come out a bit from our individual little closets. Thinking about my friend Stephen. Just a bog standard, middle American, long time secret homosexual, with the usual sad story. 10-12 years ago, he changed his life massively. Should add, Stephen is an awesome musician, play’s everything & makes his records completely alone. I can only think of Prince better in this particular field. This tune tells a bit of the story. & it reight ******* rocks.
What a fine thread this is for lots of reasons. Thanks to Gravy for the bravery in posting and well done to many many on here who give whole-hearted support to the OP. There is a lot of crap in the world but threads like this give hope that sometime in the future everybody is accepted for who they are as a human being regardless of any bigoted concepts about sexuality, race, religion, class, colour or anything else. I still reserve the right to have stereotyped views about Wednesday fans but that goes without saying I think. Well done Gravy and well done everyone else. What an excellent, supportive fans forum this is at times.