I had my first jab in February and my second 10 days ago.AZ vaccination no reactions to either injection.
For AZ I had my first Jab (in March) felt fine for 24 hours then for the next 48 hours felt like I had a mild flu - just felt under the weather but then was fine My wife had no issues at all - everything I have heard is the second one has fewer side effects Still at least I know the first one worked as I am in the ONS monitoring scheme and when tested in April I didnt have covid but I did have antibodies ( which is exactly what I had hoped to find) All the people I know who had the pfizer one have had minimal side effects - just the occasional sore arm
I've had the AZ one. Had my 2nd dose yesterday and I feel absolutely drained. I did after the first one too to be honest.
Late 30s but I am from Huddersfield so it could be different wherever you're from. But as I said earlier I know someone who had the AZ vaccine in Lundwood over the weekend who's also late 30s so some areas are ahead of the NHS website that's still saying over 40s.
I wasn't too bad after the 1st AZ one, aside from one spell about 12 hours later where i was freezing cold in the middle of the night. Once I woke up I wasn't bad. Then about 24hrs after, I went freezing cold again so crawled up to bed. Ironic that my Mrs had just her 2nd vaccine hours before and was in bed roasting hot!
Had my first last Thursday at the Arena. Had the AZ. Usual side effects. Tense muscles, tired and a slight headache. Popped a few painkillers and got through it. 2nd booked for July. It's a very strange experience going to the Arena as it's a big place and everything feels like you are in a disaster movie walking through getting your injection so you don't turn into a zombie. The 5G is great though.
After the first one, I got home from work the day after and I was shivering on the sofa. Today, after the second one last night, I'm absolutely boiling. My face was on fire when I left work this evening.
I had first jab of AZ last week and it tore me a new one. Absolutely freezing shivering, fever, body aches, the lot for just over 24 hours. Had to take the day off work. They've removed the prioritisation of astra over here in Germany so I managed to get it despite being healthy and 30. Can't wait to get the second and have done with it
Update for anyone who's interested - I had my second Sputnik on Thursday, and had absolutely no side effects whatsoever. I'm in my early 40's and had Coronavirus at the start of December. I might get my antibodies checked in a couple of weeks, purely out of interest. Tested them a few days before I had the first jab and I still had enough that I would be considered as naturally immune, so I'm hope that after two jabs I'll now be superhuman.
It isn't open until May 17th, so he'd have a long wait... Although there are the gardens. Но товарищ, ваш первый отчет просрочен
Надеюсь, что не буду оштрафован. Думаю, что мы можем договориться. Как насчёт красивой полосатой футбольной формы, с эмблемой совы? Я уверен, что вам понравится.
Wife had Pfizer, with both jabs she just had a sore arm for a couple of days. I had AZ, first jab I was fine until 24 hours later when I developed a headache, day after that it knocked me out and I felt like I had a hangover for 2 days. Second jab exactly the same except the hangover lasted for about four days. I'm blaming it on 31 years as a nurse and a very highly developed immune system - I've never had flu, from memory I've had a cold perhaps 3 or 4 times but definitely not in the past 20 years.
38 and 39 year olds can book now.... https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/coron...rus-vaccination/book-coronavirus-vaccination/ For Huddersfield folk keep an eye out here as it's what allowed me to book the other day and it said 35 and over so I suspect more slots will be added later... https://honleyvillagehall.appointedd.com/
I had my vaccine yesterday. Received a text inviting me to book at 12:45pm and by 1:30pm I was sat counting down the last five minutes of the post jab waiting time before heading home. Phenomenal really. They’d only released in to my age group that morning and I was the first one born in 83 to show up.
Sicne you posted about this earlier, a few people I know have had a similar experience - and got to go to local doctors' too. All in different areas of the country too.
Mine was in Huddersfield but got a text to go to lundwood coz they had excess so cancelled the Huddersfield one.
I had mine yesterday in Honley and I cannot praise the set up enough for feeling safe and getting in and out quickly. All the staff were great. For an hour or so after it I had a sharp ache in my arm more like a shock type rather than a punched in the arm type but been fine since apart from it's a bit of a tender ache today below the jab but nothing bad like feeling ill. Details of it have already been put on my NHS app account which is quick as the NHS website mentions it could take five working days. I am surprised it's as basic as date of jab, type of jab, and batch number. I would have thought it would mention other things like your name, where you had it (maybe even time) and the name of the person who gave you it.