Due to the configuration of the seats in the stand having all groups of 6 will not give you the maximum attendance. Indeed you would need quite a number of single applicants to reach the maximum. There is literally no method or science being applied to any of this. It is simply a hoop jumping exercise with no benefit for anyone.
There will be a mathematical solution to the maximum number of people who could be configured into our stadium with the imposed restrictions. It's way beyond my maths, suspect it's beyond the algorithm used by the ticket company, however I stand by my comment that 4000 individuals with restrictions on spacing imposed, would need more seats in a ground than 650 or so groups of 6. But I think the science is flimsy at best and the 'safe maximum' numbers cooked up pretty arbitrary. If a row of seats is 100 long, in groups of 6, 75 people could sit on that row. Individually only 33 could sit on that row.
Really? With all the capacity around the ground I would have thought there was enough room for 4500 individuals to be socially distanced with ease. Unless I’m missing something? Are all the stands not going to be used?
The West isn't being used due to the lack of accessible toilets. The other three stands are being used. #pulltheweststanddown
Indeed, but we don't have any rows like that. We have blocks of seating and there will be many areas where a group of six could not fit after seating a couple of bubbles but a single individual or a couple could.
how can single or multiples affect attendance. Surely the ballot will operate until the max attendance is reached.
See how many people in groups of six with a gap of two seats you can fit in a more reasonable length row, say 13 seats. How may if there were some groups of three or groups of five or couples. The whole thing is a sham, but the advice that groups of six provide the maximum attendance is also very wrong.
Only going off the advice given last night. I'm guessing it's quite complex for the system to be continuously working out what tickets have been sold in what size of group as the ballot takes place, and moving the availability of seats live as it happens. Meaning we've likely had to pick the batches of six, put them around the three stands within the guidelines, and then filled each area with 1-6 people. I'm speculating here of course and there might be something online that tells me this is wrong.
Are rows actually 13 seats long? (Seems short to me), I reckon they are blocks of around 30. I think the advice that larger groups are more efficient than individuals is correct. But it's also not an all or nothing situation is it? Added in - I did 100 for easy maths and still got it wrong
But the club have set a system up that they know works and aims towards a ‘maximum’ capacity. Are you saying they haven’t and planned to fail?
Apologies if I've misunderstood what point you're making or what the club have told us so far (long day that hasn't finished yet). But I'm saying/thinking the club have built in as many bubbles as possible to fit within the restrictions and distancing rules set and will sell tickets in those areas. I'm not sure if they can then move all those bubbles around the ground depending on what the ballot picks out, which is why they were encouraging people to get in to groups as much as they possibly could. This isn't a situation the ticketing software has ever experienced before and I think you might be underestimating how complex a system like that would be in the timeframe the club have.