I’m a Barnsley fan that was born and lived my first 10 years in Norwich if that gets me half a point? There’s also a delivery driver near me that I’ve seen wearing a Norwich woolly hat on occasion so I would like to assume he is one.
I think if they’re allowed(!) then yes. Some of my family down there have season tickets so I’m fairly regular in conversation about them. The 3 games between us have certainly been well matched this season so it’s been good. Barnsley were rather “forced” on me when I was roughly 6 or 7 but I didn’t move here until I was 10 so couldn’t go to any games really until then. Although I did go to a Norwich Barnsley game at Carrow Road a few years before I moved up.
Norwich are my nearest team and almost everyone around here are Norwich supporters yet I’m a season ticket holder at Oakwell, why shouldn’t there be Norwich fans in Barnsley?
My rule is you can definitely have a second team as long as there is a valid connection not just glory hunting!
Not out of the ordinary. Just in my village I can pick out 3 Chaps all from the areas of their teams and settled here. Ipswich Newcastle Birmingham Complete with original accents as well lol Edit, Who I might add always root for us to do well too (and in fast show style)... which is nice
My second team is Arsenal because my Dad bought me the shirt when I was seven and they beat Sheffield Wednesday in both cup finals in 1993 then Parma in the Cup Winners Cup in 94. After this he took the opportunity to show me his signed League Cup Winners poster from 1973 and Spurs UEFA Cup Final programmes from both legs of the 1972 Final v Wolves and told me how he was friends with Cyril Knowles' brother and that's how he got them and bought me a Spurs shirt for the 94/95 season. I just wish he'd got me into Tottenham first because even though they haven't had the success of Arsenal. There's sumat about their heritage I prefer. It got me and him bonding that bit more and we still watch Tottenham matches together on TV when we can. You could say they've become my second team over Arsenal through my Dad.