Didn’t the Comical close that time it did a full advert for the Tories ? certainly appears that way if you pass on Eastgate and the office ! Think I’ve bought it twice since then what was it 5/6 years ago used to buy every week without fail
They've been doing a lot of cringe pieces on past glories. I don't like them as I think they're bad luck. I'd rather go under the radar until we actually achieve something.
Hoped that was the reason. Don't buy it much these days. You already know what's on the back page without reading it. Fridays delivering it were a pain in the 70s. Every house had it, there were numerous sections and you had to clear the table to be able to open it fully.
I haven't touched a chronicle in years, used to get it for free through my job and I didn't even read it then.
Think I've only ever bought it twice since the Tory fiasco and that was only because the grand kids photos were in it......prior to that it was a regular read...even when I lived abroad I'd get one of the family to post it out to me Quick question.....are they still dying in alphabetical order on the second page every Friday.....
Not bought it ever since the front page of the Brexit Party. Wrote to the editor and told him I wouldn't be buying it again and his response was basically 'we needed the money'. Fair enough but not a paper for me anymore
I used to buy it fairly regularly but that Brexit advert cover stopped me from buying it again. Tbh, I don't even look at the cover in the supermarket any longer, I've forgotten its existence.
I used to buy it every week until .... the Tory “advert” that looked like the front page! I like Doug O’Kane & read him on Twitter but will never ever buy it again. “Need the money? Sold its soul! A dagger through the heart of every miner