Right I've got the choccy Hobnobs in ready and important decisions need to be made. Please feel free as ever to post your own ideas.
Has to be Barnsley v Swansea, for me. Keep it nice and simple, don't over complcate it. P.S. I've got the Choccy HobNobs ready as well
Swansea City FC fans known as 'Jacks' because that was the name Swansea colliers !! used for their lunch tins.
Well I've saved 35 quid by not getting tickets so I thought I'd splash out! Every cloud has a sliver lining!
maybe they turned up for matches carrying their 'Jacks' - lunch boxes having just finished a shift down t'pit ? (I just made that up.)
Post and suggestions welcome but no voting in the poll please. You can influence the game by actually being there.