Wrestling is boxing / gymnastics without the pain. I question the mentality of anyone who watches it or, even worse, participated in it.
I can assure you it hurts. Having been involved in WWE tapings, I've seen the scripts, and I've seen them practice. But there's no way of landing some of those moves without it hurting. Questioning the legitimacy of the results etc is totally missing the point - it's basically a soap opera with fighting. Trash TV at its finest and a great live experience to boot.
You were 12 when you realised it was scripted? Did you find out that the Easter bunny wasn't real at the same time?
I just stick to WWE and that's a struggle sometimes as the lack of a live in person crowd makes the product suffer. Not a fan of AEW it's just WWE Lite with a few spot monkeys thrown in. It's doing everything WCW did wrong and Tony Khan seems to care more about AEW than Fulham.
When you find yourself agreeing with Dreamboy about something its time to a long hard look at yourself.
We don’t really watch anymore but I do keep up with the general news around it. Tried AEW but always felt like something was missing to me. Just not a fan of the style of it I don’t think. Can’t watch Omega matches because he irritates the hell out of me, not in a good way. I know he’s great at what he does but everything is just too exaggerated for me in a way I don’t enjoy is the best way to describe it I suppose.
Who’s calling it a sport or taking it seriously? It’s a bit of fun. The strength, fitness, intelligence, dedication and sheer bravery of the people involved shouldn’t be questioned just because elements of it are ‘scripted’ either.
Agree with this actually. OTT Heel Omega doesn’t do it for me. It has the feel of making his title run a long one, which is a shame as would love to see Pac or Cassidy with the belt.
On wrestling. I would have liked to see some of you buggers tell my mother in law, in the seventies it wasn't staged events.
I grew up as a big fan and was fortunate to live through the best era I suppose. But once I was into my 20’s I lost interest. From what I’ve gathered when listening to podcasts or watching documentaries etc, I’ve not missed much. I still occasionally watch the network to enjoy the old ppvs. And I genuinely did love the whole product in my younger years. But yeah, it’s good nostalgia for me, I couldn’t watch it nowadays. Probably how Sheff Wednesday fans feel.