We've been (trying) to learn to live with the virus since last March 2020. We aren't staying in "this situation permanently" as things are starting to open up - slowly granted.
Angela likes him (see today's Times) and she doesn't want the top job! And an 80+ seat majority is an 80+ seat majority, whoever is leading the opposition.
Thats the point though isn,t it , we think we,re opening up, only to have a grenade thrown in at the last minute , there are hundreds of variants according to the scientists and they are here for the foreseeable so if we are gonna have this carry on every time a different one appears the future looks pretty bleak...
Having read through this thread I once again feel humbled to share a forum with so many experts , alas I do not fall into the category of a pandemic expert as others do, therefore I shall continue to follow the advice given by the medical experts that the government use & pass on to us not so bright minions , ignorance is bliss .
Well local public health directors and sage were in agreement about surge vaccinations in affected areas. The government didn’t follow that advice. Many experts have advised that support is needed for those that need to isolate, and they’ve only ever paid lip service to that.
Any delay in the June date is fair and square at the feet of Johnson for not stopping flights from India for at least 3 weeks when it was clear there was a massive rise in this new variant coming out of there. What is the point in having all these world beating scientists and gene sequencing if that fat tub of lard is going to ignore it in order to get a photo with Modi and his gang of BJP nutters? Disgusting behaviour but par for the course with that bell drop in charge.
Sincere respect for your zeal, but it's not impossible to tell. You can't beat the parliamentary arithmetic. No-one could make a difference at this point. But interested to hear who you would put up, and what they could do that would have any material effect on the current (depressing) situation?
To be fair Keir agrees do he just doesn’t try. You offer people ideas. You engage the electorate. You put forward arguments. You hold the govt to account. Bland centrism won’t work when the tories pivot to the left of Labour economically. Clive Lewis should lead Labour. Soft left. Former soldier. Mapped out how to without Scotland. Formation of pre election progressive alliance. Commitment to coalition and PR. Without that Labour are dead.
Agreed, Lewis is a great choice for leader. Left enough to slightly appeal to far lefties like me and you and not left enough to be harangued by the Blair ********.
Sats for lefties, never heard of them, sound's like some right-wing organisation out to discredit the labour party.
Did you see and hear Blair on GMTV earlier this week? Absolute object lesson in where Labour needs to be in order to get in Government. Slag him off all you like, but if you stuck him back in charge, you'd have power at the next election. I understand however that most people on here generally prefer purity obscurity and perpetual wilderness in their politics.
Blair still regularly wins polls for the least popular political figure in the U.K. To win without Scotland Labour need to commit to a pre election pact with other centre left political parties and commit to PR. Each party to stand down for the one most likely to win. Blair is a dinosaur who promised Ashdown PR for stand downs in 1997 then reneged. Whatever the answer to Labour’s problems he isn’t it.
yup. Unfortunately Labour well specifically the PLP believe a rehashed Blairism that failed in 2910 and 2015 will somehow win in 2024.
As opposed to the charms of Magic Grandpa which left them with the worst parliamentary result in living memory. That's right - keep slagging Blair off. It's about time Labour split into those who want to win, and those who never will. At least we can then have the chance to see a credible opposition.
the casual ageism aside it’s only people like you obsessed with Corbyn. I thought he was a poor leader though put forward some great policies and certainly like Blair I don’t want him back. Stop living in the past and move forwards. Your memory can’t be very long if you can’t remember the 29% that Gordon Brown achieved in 2010 Here’s vapid centrism