my partner wears one for 13 hours a day and says she barely notices and can’t understand any grown up whinging about it. Yes you can doubt the efficacy but the actual wearing of it is not exact tricky.
thats what my missis says. Like you I found it a bit claustrophobic at first and my glasses steam up but if people like her can wear them l day I can manage it for a bit.
Maybe people should respect that some individuals don't like wearing them, and not forcé them to do it
I will be gutted, but there won't be a Wembley trip for me if we get there. There's no chance of going from doorstep to stadium seat and back without being put in a situation I'm uncomfortable with somewhere infection wise. It's too far to say that I wouldn't be. I've got too many responsibilities to others and that trumps anything else at the moment.
Or people should just stop being snowflakes. If I don’t like wearing seat belts should no one force me to do so? if I want to smoke on a plane why can’t I? Govts make public health decisions all the time. Many people don’t like them. My mam hated the stop smoking in pubs/ public spaces but it (eventually)made her stop smoking and added years into her life.
Excellent I'll go and tell my wife who had actually had a panic attack about it that it's not exactly tricky. I mean it'll have to wait until tomorrow as she's spent the last 6 weeks in a psychiatric hospital but when I do see her ill just tell her it's one less thing to worry about and be a grown up about it because you and @JamDrop have it all figured out. I'll just have to accept your partners perspective is superior to mine.
that's a bit like saying that if call centre workers can make telephone calls for 8 hours a day then everyone should be comfortable making phone calls yet there are millions of people in the UK who are extremely uncomfortable answering a phone call. Everyone's different, everyone's struggles and tolerances are different.
I'm a ferile young man. Wearing a mask doesnt really help me. Some people don't mind it, some seem to actually like it and some disliked/hate it. Thats just humans
I'm sorry to hear about your partner. As I am sure you are aware, your partner is exempt from wearing a mask as it clearly causes them severe distress.
Reasonable view. Some people don’t like wearing seat belts and find them uncomfortable my dads one of them but at the end of the day he does.
personally speaking I dislike wearing them and as much as possible have been avoiding spaces where they are necessary but I realise life doesnt centre around me so if I enter those spaces I wear one. Do I like it no. Is it the end of the world also no.
I even went to the trouble of getting her a lanyard, still didn't stop her being questioned on more than one occasion. Ultimately leading to her being too anxious to go in any shops.
That's really rubbish, to put it mildly. Everyone should wear one if they can and if someone can't then that should be trusted and respected.