I liked it. We had a few years in a row where we have very different away kits that were really quite good. The cream one, the light and dark blue one, the green one there. Still flavour black though, don't know if I've mentioned it ;-)
How dare you. Finest kit we've ever had. Would love to have one, despite the fact that the sleeves are about as long as the body
You think we’d sell more kits if they lasted two years than if we released two kits in those same two years? How do you get to that conclusion? Buying a football shirt is almost habitual for some people. For others they don’t buy them anymore. For kids they need a new shirt every season anyway.
Well I'll bow down to everyone's superior taste then! I wouldn't mind having a white/purple combination to help Daryl settle in after his imminent transfer. Similar to the 10/11 away shirt. Or are we due a blue and black striped one?
The 2005/6 i think it was when we won the play off in Cardiff was a decent colour combo the Jako light blue/dark blue on also the promotion one in 97 blue black yellow
I count him as a friend and will stick up for him when I feel criticism towards him is undue and inaccurate. I seem to recall you sticking up for Juddy G when he was fulsome in his praise for Wakefield Trinity no longer taking the knee and refusing to watch X Factor again because a dance troupe had the audacity to create a routine about George Floyd and BLM which resulted in your friend being called racist. If you're allowed to stick up for your friend, I don't understand why the goal posts get moved so I can't do the same for mine. Also, no one has said he's perfect, so I'm puzzled as to why that should be brought up.
Purely because I know a lot of people don't buy them because they only last a year and are expensive. If they were to last two years people would be more likely to buy them wouldn't they? As I say. I don't have the figures, it's just a feeling I have.
I don’t recall the previous conversation in its entirety. It was many months ago and a lot has happened in that time. I do remember having a stab at the likely colours for each away game though, and making it clear that I personally have no input into the choosing of kit colours. I reckon I got most guesses right. And yes, you certainly have a point regards the names of each kit. Maybe they should be called 1st, 2nd and 3rd? I dunno. I don’t think there’s a conspiracy here though. But I certainly wasn’t aiming anything at you. It was a general, humorous (to me at least) dig at a number of folk on here who are massively invested in what kits we should wear and when. If you’re in that number, then fair enough. Have a wonderful afternoon buddy.
There's probably your die hard shirt fans who buy shirts as soon as they are released, but then there are tight buggers like me, who tend to buy them as a momento of the season once they're reduced come April. Stretching it to two years would mean that if there are lot of people like me, less shirts would be sold. Heaven help the world if there are lots of people like me.
Out of interest, who decides which kit will be worn if there are no kit clashes? I'd guess the ref has to sign off to whats proposed.
Do you think the club have a kind of release clause with kit sponsors ( investment room) based on what league? I have no idea but let's just say the current one pays a million a year and it as a year left to run, we then get promoted and a sponsor offers 5 million, could/ can/ would we drop them ? ( btw i wouldn't, just wondering how this works)
I would imagine that contractually, there'll something written into it about how much sponsorship they have to pay and it is dependent on division. If we were cute, we'd have put an absolutely absurd amount in if we're promoted to the Premier League which Investment Rooms' legal team were going to object to, looked at our league performance and then signed off on anyway
Blummin eck, can't wait till we're in close season. Home shirt's rubbish, away shirt's crap, do we need a third shirt and if we do why is it garbage? If they're not released in time for father's day I'm having a reight sulk. Friendly fixtures are gash. It's been a day since season finished...why haven't we signed anyone!!!! Open day is half a day and why is the West Stand still there?