In depth and I like how he's called Grandad...
Just what newspaper are people allowed to read? No trick question at all. But for some reason no matter the link, someone has beef with it. So before falling foul of a link, what is acceptable on here?
Of course it is up to people what they want to read. I keep seeing, no thanks, and ridicule on numerous links. Especially where the daily mail and sun comes into it. No I don't read either if I'm honest. It was a genuine question on what is deemed OK. Asking for examples if you like. I may learn something then that is acceptable to most, instead of picking up something that everyone claims is ****** basically. Guardian Independent Financial Times Daily star Daily mirror What? I'm asking what is generally accepted as being independent and not swayed with any political side. These days I've no idea, but it seems this place will know the answer
I'll read anything that's not a right wing propaganda tool. Even then I'll sometimes dip my toe, just to see how bonkers it's getting over there.
Like I say it's not a trick question I'm genuinely interested in finding out just what is regarded as a normal upstanding and generally trustworthy news source. If that means nobody can say one cos none of them are trustworthy or in the pockets of a political party, then so be it
Up to you innit. Depends where you are on the political spectrum. Obviously the Daily Heil is pretty far-right, which is why many people refuse to read it….and of course also the reason why it’s the only thing that some people read as well
I'm probably smack down the middle as a centrist most likely. Not entirely sure, last "test" I did said I was centre left. But my post above about trying to get a none political biased news source stands. No idea where to look
Personally speaking, I don't read any of them. However, I definitely wouldn't read anything from the right wing gutter press (Daily Mail, Sun, Daily Express, Telergraph, Times). Others can do as they see fit, I certainly won't tell anyone else what to read, or what not to read. It's none of my business. Likewise, I'll totally ignore what anyone else suggests I ought to read from the press.
That's what I kind of thought. So at least it aligns to what I was trying to get to. Probably doesn't exist. But, cheers anyway