Yep, if we were all atheists or even agnostic the world in general would be a safer place, no worries about getting ya head hacked off because you follow a different sky wizard
Crikey, I know catholicism had its factions, but I didn't realise they'd stooped down to the level of head hacking!
Sadly there are still far too many examples today of hatred to a group of people, some of which is violent. Maybe its not always religion, just some people.
Exactly this, the Templars are a good example of what happens when you mix Catholicism, wealth, influence and power. The Cathars also a good example of what happens when you don't practice the mainstream approved book.
All religions through history as/ does have its compliment of savages, the crusades, even ISIS either crucified people for having a different sky wizard or they did their own based on following a different type ( sunny or shia) I.e hacking off the heads, Balkans war, mass genocide by both/ all sides based on a sky wizard, Northern Ireland again which side of the Christianity fence you sat, absolute madness, the way I look at it in life you are either a good lovely person or a 5hit lovely person , regardless of your religion/ belief etc, personally i dont believe in any of the 400 or so gods that people worship ( each to their own btw) I'm Atheist with a bit of agnostic thrown in
Presumably raising wider awareness of an issue people consider to be an injustice. Just because a protest isn't immediately going to resolve a situation doesn't mean it doesn't have any benefit.
I'm sure I read on BBS that you Sunlighter was taking thi ball home and not playing no more. Or have I got you mixed up with someone else.
I don't think the aim is for Israel to be bothered. I think most people involved in a protest of this nature know that Israel isn't going to change its domestic policy because of protests. It never has and never will. However, part of the challenge here is that some of the actions of the state of Israel which many would consider to be disproportionate human rights violations are not criticised strongly enough by our own (and other western) governments. Why is this? Many reasons - but one of which is a lack of awareness and understanding amongst the electorate about the issues. A protest is a legitimate way of raising that awareness. You might ridicule it and say it will only have a marginal impact - but it's one route that is open for most regular people to have some small influence on the situation. I think you'll find very few big social changes in history which were achieved by a single protest. Most require sustained building of awareness, convincing and pursuading a wider group of people of the injustice of a situation and pressure through a wide range of political avenues.
I saw this interview by the BBC. Makes a good point that western news reports only start at Palestine firing rockets. They don't report the occupation and ethnic cleansing which precedes it.
‘Not sure what they are supposed to do’.... By saying that, you’re saying ‘Palestinians’ were right to kill innocent members of the public in the first place - for what Israel are now responding to? That’s like saying the IRA were correct in bombing as they had no other option. It’s a complex situation over there - but to say either side has no option but to kill innocent people is wrong. They’re as bad as each other.
If one accepts its a complex situation as you do then to my mind its incorrect to say they're as bad as each other. If one digs into history and previous conflicts, displacement of civilians, laws passed by the state, re-settlement policy, blockade of Gaza, UN resolutions and comparative use of force its clear to me that the Israeli Government is much worse than the Palestinians.
So Palestinians are right to blow up Israeli random kids and adults in the first place? That’s my point.
Nobody is 'right' to blow up anybody. However I think you are missing my point too. We should condemn all violence for sure BUT the violence cannot be condemned in isolation as some would do. Until the Israeli Government treat Palestinians and Arabs in an equal way to the rest of Israeli citizens then the conflict will rumble on. The violence is a consequence of the Israeli Governments policies so, in effect, its they who are responsible for it all. Edit: I should have said 'mainly' responsible in that last bit.