Morris was very good, I can only assume if he doesn’t start on Saturday then he’s not fully fit. i thought Brittain is even better in the flesh then on tv, best wing back since Barnard. swansea spoiled the 2nd half through time wasting and the ref just let them get away with it. Fans were amazing, no booing when they took the knee, clapped them off to a man. It’s only half time and we can beat these, we just need that but if luck. YOU REDS!!!!!!
We lost 0-1 to Hudds in 2006 before winning the away leg 3-1. That’s the inspiration. We lost 1-2 to Brum in 2nd leg in 2000 but it was realistically a dead game after we’d cruised to a 4-0 win in the 1st leg away.
It was crying out for fresh legs second half but Val obviously wanted his best players on there. In a league match I think we'd have seen Chaplin and Adeboyejo after an hour. And yes Morris has to start now. Also agree that we looked tired. I'd give the lads Tues and Weds off then get them in and firing in the run up. Starting the 2nd leg how we did the 2nd half today is what we need to do, but crucially keep the pressure on and hopefully grab an early goal.
I would drop Woodrow and Dike after tonight. Morris DESERVES a start after that. Woodrow and Dike don't. Simple as that. Dike is still too naive and the jury is out on him long term for me and Woodrow has been off the boil for a long time now. People were complaining about Woodrow well over a year ago under Struber and again under Ismael. He is offering little apart from excellent penalty taking. Bring him on next week if it looks like going to penalties. Bring Chaplin on for a bit of creativity (I don't think he's good enough either but he is a different option against Swansea and will provide them with different issues). As to the third striker which Ismael will almost certainly use I would stick Adeboyejo on simply for his enthusiasm ( Im not keen on him either but as I say Woodrow and Dike should be dropped for maybe second half...) Midfield has to be the same although Mowatt was ineffectual Defence has to be the same. Did ok apart from the goal and generally this season the defence has been good anyway. Keeper - keep him in. Better than Walton at moment In short, the strikers don't strike enough and I also think the midfield don't create enough (which is probably why Ismael does the big punt anyway). Next year whatever happens we NEED at least one striker who actually strikes AND we need some mettle and nous in midfield. Defence as I said is ok. My opinion of course
Untill Saturday isn’t a fact ! I’m certainly not giving up on them yet after the season they’ve given us .
Neither am I - but I am worried a bit about the apparent jinx Swansea have over us. Against most other sides we would have scored a couple of goals last night
There no5 got the better of Dike with help from the ref early on he made it clear he was going to take side of the defender could have gone either way for me they were both at it, I am sure as Dike matures he will learn there's more than one way to skin a cat.