Not sure if you've seen mate, but it looks like the University of Sheffield Archeology department might be for the chop.
Sorry for butting in but it was Sheffield Uni Archeology did a dig in our village around 2000 and revealed anglo saxon and roman remains. They are a very important group and deserve to survive. We have medieval ridge and furrow fields at the back of our house and around the village. Our house is probably on the remains of such fields.
Very sad news. I've worked with some professors & students from there on archaeological digs in the past. I'm somewhat baffled at this bizarre decision.
One of the most outstanding individuals it's been my pleasure to meet worked for the Department of Archaeology at the University of Sheffield for a couple of decades, Mike Parker Pearson. He's been an outstanding leader in his discipline of Ancient Archaeology (same as mine), appearing numerous times on television.
Heritage industries are well down the list of this current government. In 2012 the V&A operational budget was cut from £47m to 36. That includes everything. Salaries, building maintenance, collection purchases, etc.. I worked in Prints, Drawings, Paintings department, then archives. A rolling 2 year contract. I was easy to get rid of, when axe came down. Spent my last few months training volunteers & interns how to do my job. That stung a bit, but was more sad about important objects that should have come to us, but out bidded by Americans, Chinese & Russians. whatever..
On some construction projects I've managed, archeological surveys have been required. On one in about 2009 near wadworth we had ARCUS (is that part of sheff uni) carry out a watching brief while clearing the site and excavating the foundations. A young chap called James worked with us for a few weeks observing the works. He was hoping to get married but was struggling for a venue, which was a bit surprising as his father was the Bishop of Ely!